What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When taking last troop to forward, Cedric’s skill shifts troops before. Even if first place is empty. In result this empty place shifts, as seen on screenshots.
I didn’t test it, but I suspect that other shifting spells works the same way.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Always was here, I suppose.
When this issue occurs, does it only happen if there are 0 Troops in the first and last slots? Or if there is only no Troops in the first slot? Does this happen every time?
Anecdotally, I think it happens every time, and whenever there are 2-3 troops, and 1+ spaces in front of the first troop. So the combinations oXXX, ooXX, oXXo (as above), and oXoX would all produce this.
If there is only one troop left, it is brought to the front.
Also, if there is a space in the middle, somewhere, I believe that space is preserved, e.g. XoXX → XXoX.
More on this troop shifting issue. Not Cedric this time.
Dust Devil room in delves. If you start DD room when your first slot is dead (0XXX) and Dust Devil casts, it simply ignores that empty spot - your troops are shifted around but the first slot still remains empty.
Fixed in the 4.7.5 Update (I think? Please correct me if wrong), I assume under
Thank you, but also please mention it specifically, particularly given that it previously appeared on the Known Issues list (and affects game mechanics, rather than some unseen aspect of client performance, for example).
It’s a nice surprise, but also doesn’t make me feel good or boost my confidence about internal communications and processes.
Also, since it affects game mechanics, I think not mentioning it increases the chance that someone makes a bug report saying, “Troop shuffling doesn’t work properly anymore!” just through the (lack of) passing on of information through guilds and in chat.
Trivial, Tedious, Insignifiiccant, Irrelevant…I think I’m heading in the wrong direction.
I would hope any bug, major or minor, wouldn’t take 13 months to resolve. Positive thoughts, inhale, exhale. I am one with the Puddling. The Puddling is with me. Gobbledygook?
Sorry for not calling it out in the patch notes, it’s been so long since anyone brought it up it was counted under the “minor bug fixes” part of the patch notes.
I tried to make sure we called out the ones that were most relevant/important to the community.
It’s working correctly.
At least according to the text in the cast.
Move a troop to the first position. So if you don’t already have someone in the second position then there’s going be a gap. Always.