[Fixed] 7.5 achievements not showing up on Xbox

Platform, device version and operating system:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Was expecting the new achievements for both the 7.4 and 7.5 updates to appear but only the 7.4 achievements have.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Started immediately after the update was installed. The 7.5 achievements aren’t appearing in the list of achievements.

Steps to make it happen again
Open the achievement list for Gems of War on the Xbox.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for letting us know about this issue, and for also providing a screencapture.

After investigating this issue with the development team, we have concluded that the issue seems to be on their end and have quickly contacted Microsoft about the 7.5 achievements not showing up on their platform for them to fix.

In the meantime, Thank you for your patience and understanding. :slight_smile:

Seems like it should be part of a TEST PLAN. It never should have released broken again.

Is there any way to get the Part of the Club: Join the Alliance achievement if we’ve already joined an alliance prior to it going live? I assumed it was going to be a retroactive check once it went live, but it didn’t happen.

Rather not lose the 1st join bonus just to trigger it…

@Kafka @Bramble


Hello :slight_smile:

Please try checking now if the achievements are available now!

Please also ensure you have the latest version of Gems of War.


It’s available, yes.

However, I joined an Alliance before the Achievements went live, so now that it is available, the Alliance achievement has not unlocked.


Yes the achievements are one, but the Part of the Club doesn’t pop if you joined an alliance before the achievements went live.


Since we would lose the 10 days of loyalty if we leave and rejoin an alliance, this is an urgent issue. @Bramble


We’re discussing this at the moment. Unfortunately, in order to edit the Achievement so you can get it without leaving your Alliance, it would require a change that’s a client fix - that means it has to go into an update that goes through full QA and the store submission/approval process.

I’m asking for something to resolve this to be included in the next game update (v8.0).

Sorry everyone. The good news is the Xbox achievements should be releasing smoothly in future, we just need to resolve this one last thing so you don’t need to change Alliance, then everything will be back to normal.

Thanks so much for all your patience around the achievements.

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I’m confused iv restarted Xbox , I updated hours ago
Iv still less achievements.
Restarted about ten mins ago

Missed this earlier, so the achievements worked correctly during QA, it was only when the update was pushed live the Achievements failed to release. Which was something we could only discover when the update was live. The team quickly got in contact with and worked with Microsoft to resolve the issue. This shouldn’t happen again now that the issue was pinpointed.

It can take time to roll out and update in your region/on your console.
The Xbox support page advises it can take up to 72 hours after you’ve restarted your console for the achievements to display.


What do I do to make my achievements the same as mystics

As we’re both Xbox
And iv updated and restarted console

But still showing less.

It’s just updated on it’s own.

No worries.

Press “start” on Gems of War → Game Card → Go to official club → Progress

Going to that page tends to refresh Achievements to show any updates


Yea I went to my personal achievements list
It showed 5 undone

And it automatically updated the other screen

Cheers dude.

Why did this happen 2 releases in a row? When will they be live?

congratulations, you have achievements!
Steam/Android don’t have them at all :sweat_smile:

I’m not sure, it was a problem Microsoft fixed. The achievements are currently live and working on Xbox after the fix earlier. However, if you already joined an Alliance we are looking to add a check so you can earn this achievement if you already joined an Alliance and don’t leave to join another one. This check can only be added by updating the game client - this means it has to be in the next game update version 8.0, I don’t have a date to announce for it yet.

I’ve reported this too.


I’m pretty sure I have “Part of the Club”. I’m also pretty sure it’s a bit early to have “You Are Victorious!”.

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Android screenshot

Joined Alliance on Android = no achievement
Then launched Steam version = no achievement
One Citadel Guardian defeated on Android version = progress on Steam: 0/10

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