First LEGO League now recruiting

Hello all,

We are a bunch of LEGO employees, who are looking for more people to join our guild.

If you are a LEGO fan or have a fond memory from your childhood that you would like to share with us, then please share that in the chat.

The guild is called First LEGO League (original I know) :wink:

We work with different things at LEGO from video game development to product design.

So send me a message and I’ll send you an invite.

(And remember to keep building)

Will there ever come LEGO movies/toys featuring the old fairytales that Ivo Caprino scimatized? The Fox's Widow - YouTube a little preview. Sooo goood! :slightly_smiling:

You could go here and suggest it :slightly_smiling:

Will surely suggest it one day. :slightly_smiling:

Hey It’s Arcknagar from the guild. I had to factory reset my phone and now I can’t access my account. I am working to get it back. Just wanted to let you know.

Figures… I just won a Mythic card called “War” I think.

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