Festival of the Sun

If medal of seasons were legendary or mythic I would for sure buy more tiers. But there really aren’t that many epic troops I use. In fact I’ve already fully upgraded all epic troops that I do use and can’t see any point in upgrading the ones I don’t. I do have many legendary troops though I would like to upgrade still…


3 Season Medals would save you 1 Anu per legendary — less grinding over time :man_shrugging:

‘Course it also means less gems over time…

If only this wasn’t valid on just the first elite level upgrade :expressionless:

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Yes I would love it if the Medal of Seasons were legendary tier


While Child of Summer is a good addition, it sucks that it is our first repeat empowered converter. She is generally better than Tai-Pan - fireproof is a decent enough trait, and the firestorm frees up the hero to use something other than Sunspear class (preferably one that makes the Hero a bit more durable in the first slot). The downside is that yellow is completely blocked by Flammifer/Sky Hero on the usual Yao Guai team, whereas Tai Pan is a threat to cast again by taking blue mana.

On balance, she does give us a few new options, but not as many as we’d get from a different conversion.

Alas the weapon restriction is very much in line with the ‘pay to reduce the grind’ direction that has been increasingly demonstrated in the past: can’t even imagine how early-mid players (who may rely on Mang and maybe a single Doomed weapon they managed to acquire and upgrade) must feel. But if that feeling leads to more tier/gem purchases, mission presumably accomplished!

The vibe among my semi-casual guild, however: less gems spent due to less fun. And bracing ourselves for when they restrict Hero Class too, since we keep on embracing this constrictive direction.
:sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:


I noticed all the “bosses” of each fight have a hidden Boss Trait for skull damage reduction, wondering if it’s additive on Shimmerscale for 60% total (in case it might matter for someone).

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It’s 70% damage taken of 70% damage taken, which is 49% damage taken. In other words, 51% skull damage reduction.

I guess I’m curious about two things after playing a few rounds:

  • Does a mythic encounter not exist in this event?
  • Can a person with some kind of blue color blindness differentiate between a mythic and common encounter?

No Mythic.

There are 2 rare versions though, that give different points. They have different icons so you can differentiate between the 2 though.

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Actually if you’re happy to pay 3 epic medals to save 1 legendary then the 2nd upgrade is no different. 2nd upgrade using 3 epics has 50% chance so on average will cost 6 epic medals to save 2 legendarys. Costs more souls though…

Lol, you trust 50% in this game?


A far better option than upgrading epic troops I will never use. I don’t see the point in that at all.

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Event in a nutshell: 5 Cat Sith’s Caves :slight_smile:


The Orcs would rotate out if I remember correctly. I kinda like not having to search which group to fight.

For me, it’s top and to the left every time. Top, and to the left. So easy, even an old Orc stereotype can manage.

I now have 2 Mythic tokens and 2 Legendary tokens. I reckon I should start doing more explore. Maybe tomorrow.

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They’ll say it’s intentional until the Cat’s outta the bag, or cave in this case.

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Tutankhatmun’s spell is the real “Cat Sith’s Cave”:


Result of Tier 4 purchased.

I estimated 2,068 as the result before even starting the event so this is reasonable. Especially since I do not believe there was randomness in fight selection.

I grabbed this the first day from the leaderboards and pasted it together.

Presumably they all followed the same path of choosing highest rarity every time.

The swing from a large amount of randomness to none was a bit shocking but if the extremes are all we get then this is better than the alternative.


1732 for me from Tier 2. Please don’t increase the points required for the next event Devs, instead increase the carrot (new weapon/troop) or maybe even throw in a nysha token in the tier 6 and 7 packs. :pray:


I suspected that was possible. Thanks for confirming it.

I actually think this is too low though. It means a 30 person guild could have completed it for just 100 gems each. We need a happy medium where it doesn’t cost 1,350 each either. Tier 3 or 4 like in previous events seems much better.

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