Emperor Khorvash - Yes....its one of these

yeah it’s the Abyssal banner, as there’s no yellow in the team… blue/green banner or green/purple banners also work

Yep went with Abyssal and it’s absolutely brutal. Another perk of your Sooth/Amira/GS/Wulf setup is that having Wulfy in last slot provides an excellent Kraken counter. Not that Krakens are huge in this meta but they still make me nervous with their devour. Not anymore :wink:

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Again, it’s not about difficulty, it’s about lack of variety.


Guys, sometimes you lose, most times you win. It’s getting a bit tiresome reading about certain troops people don’t like or think are OP.
Personally I haven’t got him yet, but against him I just try to make sure I fill my valk first and not leave any 4’s if possible. Then loop justice and mab on skulls over and over. Yes you don’t win em all but that’s the random nature of the game! It’s easier said than done but I don’t get the hate myself.
I’m on ps4 and the only one that really annoys me is the manticore. His mana cost is too low, a similar one is spirit fox, but it doesn’t stop me playing against them, especially if they offer a good reward for winning.

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Again, it’s not about difficulty, it’s about lack of variety.

Then the issue would be to buff other cards to make them more enticing to use, not to nerf all cards you may dislike into oblivion.

Except that Bone Dragon is broken (by the Devs publicly stated standards, no less).

And buffing every other card to be like Emperor Khorvash would be laughable. Why have 250 cards that can literally do everything? The point is to have to THINK about building TEAMS.


Thats why I propose you build teams to handle these troops vs nerfing them because you disagree with it.

This is not a bone dragon topic, its Emp Khorvash. There are many counters to it, and it is easily killed.

I fight EVERY Emp Khovash team I find, because my team simply wrecks them. Now there are other cards that I find much worse. I actually feel like most of the game is in a decent balance now, just a couple small buffs on some neglected cards would help these teams a little more.

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You’re completely missing the point.

I have team to counter everything. My win percentage is like 98%.

When you have troops like Khorvash and Bone Dragon that are GROSSLY overpowered, it leads to saturation.

There are days when I literally see nothing other than BD and Khorvash teams. That’s NOT FUN. It has nothing to do with winning. It has everything to do with the game becoming stale and boring.

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The only thing I’d like to see if Varying Defense teams, and this will require The dev’s to come up with some kinda compensation for having unique teams, and not the current meta or worst ones to face.

I put up joke teams most of the time because of this.


I set my defense team usually to the week’s event, especially if it will help people who fight me to get snotstones.

Unfortunately, it appears that there’s only a handful of us doing it. This week has been nothing but Bone Dragon teams again. I tried Casual to see if it would change and all 3 of my first offer were Khorvash teams.

The only card that’s a pain to deal with is Mab. That’s if she has her 3rd. That’s it. People cry so hard in this game it’s insane. Ruin the game because you’re bad at it. Awesome. Here’s the real solution, get good.

Amira finds Mab entertaining as well, because Mana Shield. And Wulfgarok is Impervious, if you have him. Killer combination. I love seeing double Mab teams now.


Somebody obviously doesn’t get it.

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No, I get it.
Whenever there’s a really good card, people cry.

Hell, there’s Wraith to powerful thread up. Bone Dragon is fine. Shadow Hunter is fine.

Look at what the crybabies did to Manticore. Dudes not even playable now.

They’re going to take Korvash and run him in the ground. You’re going to have your victory and look for another really good card to ruin. Its what happens in every game. Crybabies cry until they ruin it and move on.

There isn’t 1 single card that you should see on defense and run from. There isn’t 1 team you should run from. But, clearly you do. Soft.

I am too. However Minogor is a bit buffed this week. It’s next week I want to see how well my team works without the extra event additions.

What team are you using?

Gorgon / Minogor / Banshee / (One of the following two Templar, Soothsayer)

I’ve managed to take on 3 of the top 10 OPs (in one team at a time) with this team and have successfully wins. Where the team failed miserably was this Dragon Team that I underestimated and just by turn three was slaughtering me. And the other time this week was with Webspinner. But that was more AI RNG luck with their first turn basically getting cascades and I never got the board back.

I’m not the most prolific PVPer - but I did this week 101 wins and 2 losses.

Oh, great, another one of these voices.

Just because you disagree with the balance debate doesn’t mean you can insult those who have different views.

You didn’t get it at all.

My winning percentage overall is currently just a shade under 95%. I have 7,394 invade wins. I play only 3-trophy matches (unless an event or Glory rewards dictate otherwise). I don’t run from anyone, ever. I’ve NEVER spent a single gem trying to get another match that was easier to win.

You’re talking out of your ass.

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