Edit: Underspire is favored but burnout and drop rates are a problem

I… know… that… but the point is others seem to have a harder time with that and get extra frustrated if they were just doing it for the Sentinels.

Read more before you reply or don’t reply at all if you don’t understand what is said.

You’re the last person i’m going to reply to that tries to makes this just a personal problem for me while the only personal thing about it is that thought Underspire would be the best mode to go not that i hate or dislike it.

So for anyone replying please keep it to the main issue:

  • Quite some people are getting burned out cause to much to do. Not an Underspire problem but an overal. What’s a reasonable fix for it?
  • People either give up or complaint about the Sentinels not dropping enough. How can that be adressed?

Can you remind me what did you sign up when you logged into the game? Was there a list of obligatory actions you should perform or you’re fired? Because I totally did not sign anything.

For sure you have to know by now what to do daily and what to ignore, as a long time player. I could understand you if you were a newbie with a lot to do just with delves. But you claim you’re endgamer. It’s pretty simple here - 2 hours/week for underspire, rest are pvp/explore/auto until you done. Can’t see any issues.


I completely understand what you said. I didn’t really specify it in my post, but I’ve suffered from the same FOMO and completionist mentality. That’s why I continued to grind all these extra game modes for resources I don’t even really need.

It’d be great if the devs addressed the two points you mentioned, but we know that’s not going to happen. Completely removing a game mode is even less likely than them modifying Sentinel drop rates, which is something many have already asked for.

I wouldn’t expect any changes from Underspire (we’ve been waiting for how long for dragon eggs changes?), but you can change your expectations and playing habits. That’s what I choose to do at least.


It is always fair to suggest an idea for discussion, even if the discussion turns against it. That’s the whole point of having a discussion: to measure the idea against other players and their playstyles.


For future reference, this is a well working team for me. You may need to buff Ahries several times towards the end.

Like (almost?) all single kingdom teams, it’s not optimal. But it works and isn’t too slow.

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One idea might be to lower the thresholds needed to get rewards.

Underspire wasn’t what started the feeling of burnout. For me personally and many people I know it was the extra stages for the guild events.

That doesn’t only add an extra cost to it but also a lot of extra grind.

Way more people feel compelled to do more in guild events because of guild requirements or simple peer pressure. They don’t want to let people down.

Remove all the nag screens that need to be clicked away, in explore for example.

Lower the thresholds in pvp as well. Especially don’t reset VP to 0, or don’t lock shop items and alliance chat behind a VP requirement.

Just a few ideas that would not take away modes others enjoy but would still free up time and remove some of the pressure.

Another one that my other game does is a “skip mission”. Instead of playing 6 missions you play one that is a bit harder. You get points as if you had done the 6 missions.

They added that to the guild events when the grind in the game became too much.

You seem so fixated on the sentinels. These troops are really not great. Someone who plays underspire for that is probably on the wrong path because for some reason they’ve been made hard to obtain.

The solution is that the devs need to up the drop chance. Also, dupe protection. Drop should be a sentinel you don’t have yet (if possible).

Removing underspire is not the solution to the troop problem nor to the burnout one.


Mention the Sentinels as have seen a fair amount of complaints about them here on the forums. Since i was talking about potential Underspire removal brought that up as well.
Got 3 Sentinels and 1 duplicate. They’re fun to use but indeed not the best. Especially bot worth going for with the odds for them dropping.

Changing of thresholds for certain events would definitly help with the burn our that some are feeling. Also saw people mentioning it in one of the PvP topics.

Conclusion from this topic is at least that Underspire is not something that should go away to combat burnout and frustration.


If they insist on padding the game with more and more and MORE content, without ever removing anything, I have an idea that could help with FOMO and with burnout.

Instead of each mode having it’s own rewards and currencies… have a master shop and a master currency. Let’s go with marks since the currency is already in game and is already tiered. Maybe add one more tier (bronze mark?)

Depending on what you are doing you earn bronze, silver, gold or burning marks. You can buy silver marks with bronze, gold with silver etc. Then there is a shop to purchase all of the various rewards with various marks.

It would probably be a nightmare to balance it at this point and it would have to be more complicated than how i’m presenting it, but the idea is someone who wants to play 10000 explore 12s can do that and someone who wants to play 1000 pvp can do that, without getting wildly different rewards. Everyone progresses and everyone has fun.


Underspire is probably my favorite mode right now. Great end game rewards.
Arena could probably go. I don’t think I’d miss it much. :wink: My main doesn’t delve at all unless we get a new faction. Finished that awhile back.
I agree that there is too many “daily” tasks right now. Starting to feel like a job, not a game.
As for burnout… it’s real. We’ve had several people leave lately. Burnout is usually the top reason. I, personally, make little self goals in game to help it stay “exciting”. Like: I need one more blue deed book to level this kingdom. And I stick around for my guild. They are family.


If the developer response to “burnout” was to start removing game modes, they’ll only accelerate the exodus of players from the game. Sure, “burnout” becomes a less likely issue to wrestle with, but you’ll chase away the players who enjoy the game modes that get mothballed but don’t appreciate the game modes that remain.

As I’ve said in many other threads, the onus is on you to make changes to your own behavior in pursuit of whatever worthy aims you chase. Instead of asking the developers to re-configure the game to suit your preferences, re-configure the quantity and quality of your own play to do the same.

And for heaven’s sake, don’t measure yourself against the “whales” who have tons of (real) money to spend and who may as well consider Gems of War their “job”, if not their entire “life”.


In my opinion, Underspire is the most fun part of the game. Ignoring the rewards, I just enjoy actually exploring (as opposed to explore mode, which is so linear they didn’t even give you a map to look at). I’m a free player; I can’t spend that many gems every week. I usually just aim for a full explore of the first 4 regions. Having to make a new team for a new dungeon (as opposed to the dungeon mode, which is so random as to make it not really worth it) each week is fine for me, but (I will note), I’m high enough level to not have a problem putting together a team. Sometimes, I have to modify the team when I start getting to harder fights, but I always end up with a team that gets me to my goal.

In contrast, I REALY dislike the new PVP. I’ve always disliked GW, and was merely indifferent to the old PVP. Some weeks I’d play there; more often, not. Haven’t touched PVP since the first PVP update hotfix.

Treasure hunt is unique, I like playing that relax. Arena is different, but not my cup of tea. Everything else is basically the same as playing explore with differing restrictions. I’m basically indifferent to them.


You know, if you have a problem with Underspire, just don’t play it. You don’t HAVE TO finish every single event every day. I don’t get this desire to cut a game mode for everybody just because you don’t like it or feel like playing it. Like someone else said, it doesn’t count to anything, so if you don’t like it, skip it. Simple as that.

Me personally, I am always looking forward to the second boss, because it’s the only place where you can consistently get 2x imperial deeds, and 2x epic vault keys in addition to orbs. There’s a lot of kingdoms, and we need a lot of imperial deeds for them. And epic vault keys are always welcome loot. As for guardians… Meh. They inevitably just become one of 17 thousand unused cards, and that’s all there is to them.

Leave underspire alone. I get you don’t like it, but there’s a lot of people that do. Rewards are good and you don’t have to pay for them, what’s there not to like?

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Honestly, huge props to the OP for going and changing the thread title after receiving feedback that many people do like Underspire, rather than just going “no, your opinion is stupid and wrong” as happens all too often here :smile:

Takes guts to acknowledge that your preference isn’t shared by everyone, and that dissenters may have some valid points.


I have no problem with dissenting opinions. God knows I have a lot of them. And there’s always valid points to be found. But what irked me was this " let’s just remove underspire because I can’t keep up with all of the events and I can’t get Sentinels". And I also don’t know where this “people are getting burned out with underspire” coming from? What people? How many of them? What are we talking about here?

I did not mean to offend OP or to say his opinion is stupid. I simply pointed out that there is a solution to his problem without cutting content for other people that do like to play it. I never liked playing Guild Wars and I always looked for casual guilds that don’t require participation in GW. I didn’t go “I hate Guild Wars, and it would be good if they were removed from the game”. There’s a lot of things to do in this game, but different people like different stuff. That’s why we need to see what can be done to fix our problem first, before going with radical suggenstions.


If it seemed like Underspire is the problem that was not my intend. Do have 3 different Sentinels and have been going through it several times to the 2nd boss and then seek out ends for Sentinels. So do play it as well except not this week beside the free torch cause grinding PvP to get a better idea what’s good and bad about it.

It was meant as an idea cause do see people complaining in general about burnout. Adding to the complaints people have about the drop rate for Sentinels just saw Underspire removal as a slight solution. In no way do i see a problem with Underspire on its own. Just from all the things to do in game personally Underspire seemed the weakest of the things people feel obligated to do.

After the comments it’s indeed not a good solution for the burnout that people are talking about. Which is outright caused by the PvP changes.
So again not the fault of Underspire. It was just a suggestion.


@Wolfchadren I understand what you are saying, but you have to understand that asking for removal of an OPTIONAL game mode with good rewards is never going to be looked upon favorably.

So, the real problem is FOMO then. If Underspire is removed, then you don’t have to think “ugh, I will miss this or that if I don’t play”. I don’t know what to say to that, except you will have to decide what is important for you to play, because you can be sure that no game mode will be removed. If they didn’t remove treasure hunt, which almost no one plays, they won’t remove Underspire for sure.


Underspire is completely optional…

so is spending money on Gems of War
so is playing Gems of War


Im totally for any kind of time consuming mode with useful rewards. The more, the merrier. I can always choose ones I like and will never be bored.

Underspire entfernen ??? Bloß nicht: Da man in den Boss Kämpfen mit dem Einsatz einer Laterne den doppelten Gewinn einstreicht, ist das eine sichere Bank für 2 mysthische Einheiten auf Elite-Gold zu leveln (was 12 Nysha-Orden entspricht)

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