Edit: Underspire is favored but burnout and drop rates are a problem

As the title says think it would be good for the game to remove the Underspire.
There’s so much to do, especially with the PvP seasons now, that it’s very hard to keep up with everything.
Next to that the Underspire is almost a completly useless thing except for the Sentinels that rarely drop anyway.

If Underspire gets removed the Sentinels should be put into Guild Chests. As that would make the most sense and makes these troops more available to everyone.

Removing Underspire would also take away part of the problem that people get burned out because there’s to much to do and not getting frustrated anymore about the bad Sentinel drops in the Underspire.
After all can’t complaint about it not dropping from Underspire if there’s no Underspire :wink:


Underspire has the best rewards per effort/gems in the game. Better to just pretend the sentinels don’t exist.

The real issue is that the new pvp update changed the weekly threshold for maximum rewards from 6.5k vp to 80k vp. Totally absurd threshold that they’ll hopefully lower in future seasons.


Underspire is better than Explore for me.


Underspire is really fantastic part of the game. If you have a problem with it or can’t set priorities right (sentinels, khem, who even cares about that nonsense?) , ignore it; problem solved.
Do not jump on that expletive bandvagon of ‘make everybody miserable because oh poor me’.


I think Underspire is (mostly) a good feature of the game, but the dead end treasure guardians need to be adjusted.

Torch refunds should not be one of the best rewards. traitstones? small amounts of jewels? seriously?

They need to buff the drop rate of sentinels by 10x or add a random sentinel drop after clearing Diamantina to alleviate the pain pressure on dead end treasure sentinels dictating the Underspire experience. The Underspire should have been about finding the end of the maze like the day 1 idea, not finding every dead end.

Straw-man time: you wont spend gems playing underspire again if they made sentinels easy!!! they have to make you spend every gem and make you spend money!!!..

no, I’d still play it weekly as long as I can stop chasing those terrible treasure rewards. Play it like it was originally intended.


Fair enough but got any solutions for the burn out so many experience cause there’s to much to do?
As that is a serious problem nowadays for many players.

I only use the free torches in Underspire, once I find the 2nd dragon I stop. I see no reason to spend gems on this game mode.


I’m going to go out on a limb and allege that this complaint is “a you problem” since burnout is, by definition, self-inflicted.

Personally, I play Underspire for the (effectively free) Epic Vault Key and good chance at an Orb of Wisdom, and it also contributes quite a bit towards the daily kill quota (and it’s the ONLY non-PVP mode to count Glory towards Campaign tasks).


Underspire is my main priority and the first game mode I play every day. Despite not having a single Sentinel yet although I use 1500 gems every week, it still has the best rewards of all game modes.

So yes, put Sentinels into the Soulforge, into the PvP shop, make a new Underspire shop or whatever, but by all means keep it.

Nobody ever quit because of Underspire though. Claiming that it would be a problem is a blatant lie to be honest. Unless you can prove it by numbers. And then there’s still more evidence that people left because of Guild Wars or Arena instead of Underspire …


And yet it shows how some kingdoms have awful synergies and are painfully slow. Khaziel ughh.


You could basically point to any game mode (even PvP) and say “That should be removed because there’s too much to do in this game”. Not sure why you’re pointing to underspire, except that sentinels are hard to get (but then why not point to explore, because hoard mimic is harder?) and you don’t like it, maybe.

Underspire is not compulsory, in any way. It doesn’t count towards anything, like guild events, so if you don’t want to do it, then don’t. That doesn’t mean that the mode should be removed from the game.

Sure, some kingdoms suck and give terrible options for underspire, but that just shows those kingdoms need a rework or some more troops added, asap. And sure, the sentinels are hard to get, but they aren’t that great, and you could just ignore not having them. If they added them to chests, they’d probably give them worse drop rates than now anyway, and you’d practically never find them.
But underspire is fairly easy to play at first, with moderate scaling so it doesn’t get too hard too fast, and the mode gives good rewards. Without spending anything you can get a free epic vault key, and often get as far as the third dragon for a free orb (not great, but it’s not worthless, at least). Also, it’s worth noting that underspire battles give 2 class xp, and you can use whatever class you want, so it’s a good mode to level classes up, especially if you need the class associated with the week’s kingdom to level up. Since casual PvP got taken away, any mode that gives 2 class xp is worth keeping, for those still leveling classes.
And hell, some people like playing it as a mode. That alone is reason enough to keep it. I agree that there’s too much stuff in the game to do it all, but that just means you have to focus on doing what you want to do and leave the rest, rather than struggling to get everything done.


There are other things that potentially could go or just be ignored to do for players. It’s not like i’d want to see it go but it seemed like an option.
Underspire just looked to me as one of the things that doesn’t really add anything different to the game beside the Sentinels. The rewards are in my opinion ok but nothing really interesting. Though seems like alot here do like it.

Anyway thanks for a better reply then the people that immediatly jump to the conclusion that i’m getting burned out even though others have mentioned on the forum and in the game chat that they’re getting burned out from all the things they can do. Personally just switch around between doing Delves or Underspire myself to not have to much to do weekly but others might feel more obligated to do everything. As had that in the past as well.

Well, I used: Gorgotha, Hero (Sunspear, Council of Dragons), The Empress, Ahries.
Of course, it is not a super fast team but I would place Khaziel quite high.

Lots of end-game players appreciate Underspire. You need to look at where you are in the game and set priorities according to your level. I remember at Lvl 1000 or so I was mainly hunting pets because that was what I needed. And leveling classes. I only started doing delves at a later level and never did them daily - whoever tells you you need to do them daily is lying. I hardly ever did mine and now have only 4 left to do with little effort.

The PVP Season can be completed with 16 000 VP per week (180 000 VP total for the whole season).

Decide what you need to progress and scale down on daily priorities. I did that otherwise I would have quit the game long time ago on burnout. Only retired and jobless people or security guards have time to do everything in the game all the time. Sometimes during a holiday you can do something extra.

Most of all do not turn it into a painful grind - sometimes just relax and do what you enjoy doing. Some weeks I just play Arena when I feel like it - which does 0 for progress.

My progress is on par and even above others on the same level as me, so no problem.

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Just for info, I find the most useful boss rewards are :-

2 lesser orbs of glory
2 medium orbs of glory
2 major orbs of glory
(For upgrading troops to bronze, silver & gold elite without using medals)

2 minor orbs of minions (upgrade pets)

200 writs
2 imperial deeds
100 dragonite

Using a lantern for the boss fight gives double rewards as shown above which are probably more appealing to higher level players.


I just skip Underspire most weeks, now. I always try to remember to do one battle and grab the free lantern. So, removing it would not help with my personal burn out. Here is something that WOULD help, in my case…

A bye week in the event schedule. Or… when GW returns, make it like it once was, it’s own weekly event, all by itself. Once world events came out, GW became an EXTRA event in the weeks it was running. Before that, GW week was a good week to do some of the stuff I don’t have time for.


Better remove all unused cards, I’m tired of golding them up. We can play with like 100-200 cards, no need to burnout us with 1400 cards

So because you don’t like a mode you want it removed fully? Nobody told you to play the mode, don’t force yourself. :sweat_smile:

And i don’t dislike it. Just looking for answers to the burnout problem i see others have as had it in the past as well. Not from Underspire but just to many events in a week while also not having strong teams yet. So everything took longer as well.

You can mock the idea with a gif but that doesn’t solve the problem that’s around. If you could also just take time to read the comments so far you’d see it’s not that Underspire is what i’m against. It just made most sense in my opinion if something would have to go.

You have to prioritize and starting picking and choosing. It may be tough to accept that you won’t be able to complete everything you want, but don’t give into the FOMO or the pressure.

I used to complete my 3 daily delves every single day. A few months ago, I finally gave that up. It doesn’t take a huge amount of time, but it adds up every day with everything else going on. I’ve done the same with other game modes that aren’t as valuable.

I still complete Underspire every week for the boss rewards because like others, I find it to be one to have best ratios of effort : gems.