Dragon's Claw Appears!

Dragotaur only buffs dragons, which is on par with Sparky being 2x effective on mechs.

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How can you guys confuse the two? They are not similar at all! @CatalinM’s avatar is smaller, and @Studs has white background (That last part is clearly visible, even at the small sizes in the forum’s entrypage).

We all see the same world map you see in game. @Lyya also has the perk of being able to read the file world.json, in which you can find the coordinates of every kingdom.

Look, I’m not trying to make a buzz of this avatar pic thing. You did that. And you overlooked my previous question…

In English, Catalin is a girl’s name… I see now you’re from Romania so guessing maybe it’s your surname… Or could be unrelated completely… sorry…

…but in other news, @studs was here first, it seems…

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I hate when people copy your style!


Nothing worse than when people won’t get their own avatar pics. :rage:


yeah, it’s horrible.


i can confirm that the possesion is random i actually thought you would be able to choose which troop to possess i actually hate its 3rd trait and wish i had never got it it has caused me to lose a few games


Studs has the White Background, CataliM has the Transparent Background on the avatar.

@Robert , @HKdirewolf , and @Yyurgas you little (maybe not so much) rascals… :joy: I can’t deny when i had a good laugh.


Thanks man, that’s what I wanted to know, not childish complaints… :))

Dragon souls 3rd trait tries to posses its dead self causes a bug

There is a problem in the Italian version. The new kingdom name is “3019 NAME”.

@SirMione its in your files . There corrupted. Mine was that way once. You dont need to reinstall though. Im not sure how thwy fixed it

Thanks for your reply.
I tried several tricks after reading your message, and it seems that changing language to English and back to Italian, the result is at least better.

The kingdom name now is “Dragon’s Claw” instead of the Italian translation “Artiglio del Drago” (several other kindom names are translated), so probably they need to fix the translation on the server side.


I was here first, and I thought about asking politely, then realized I didn’t care enough. I always get us confused though… and I’m the one posting messages. As I mentioned elsewhere before, I also thought about changing my profile pic, but I’m too lazy to find something else.

MOM !!!
The twins are fighting again !



Try being one of quads… :frowning:


We are aware of the issue and are trying to get a fix for it out.

Has anyone mentioned the typo “approching” in the Dragon’s Claw quest line?