Dragones repetidos

@Jeto @Kafka por favor pido que traten de ver el problema de lo aleatorio en este juego ya es una verguenza que despues de tantos huevos de dragon siga sin darme el ultimo … ya no entiendo nada … hay que pagar para que te lo den ? Hay que tener una cuenta con nivel vip? En mi gremio ya hay gente que en 5 minutos tenia todoa los nuevos dragones y aun hay miles que seguimos gastando para un ultimo dragon ya es muy injusto que despyes de tanto tiempo que se saco esta actualizacion no hagan nada.


Just going to note that missing only 1 dragon after 23 eggs statistically occurs about 9% of the time, aka. affects one out of every 11 players.

Yeah. Welcome to the unlucky 10%.


Ya es ridiculo de hecho eh desencantado dragones asi que seria 3 o 4 mas … llevo meses asi ,y encima tienes que adivina una mazmorra para 120 dragonitas … estoy empesando a pensae que las cuentas estan marcadas de las vip y no vip … ya es una verguenza el rumbo que estan tomando ahhhhhh de las nuevas de construccion tampoco me han dado ninguna. Desastre😠


No creo que el nivel VIP sea un factor. Pero estoy de acuerdo en que el sistema es malo y debería revisarse.

(I don’t believe VIP level is a factor. But I agree that the system is bad and should be revised.)


Realmente es bastante frustante … y eso que no soy un jugador casual del juego eso es lo peor … si ke decis que juego casual seria mas logico pero realmente es molesto … espero que vean est los desarolladores


6 months - 32 eggs

…and had to spend 300 gems every day on 60 dragonite at the dungeon

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The devs really need to find a solution to this issue. I got all my dragons in 8 pulls, I feel robbed of all that additional fun others are experiencing as they burn all their resources on pointless dupes.

Really need to crack on and make some Diamantinas now there’s a whole new set of more expensive dragons out there… I’ve got massive FOMO when I think of all the fun I’m missing out on as others chase down the last ones.

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According to self-reported community data, the overall distribution of Gem Dragons appears to be roughly balanced across the six dragons, but (a) there is necessarily a “fossil record” problem here (only the devs could compile comprehensive crafting statistics) and (b) even a fair RNG is allowed to produce unfair streaks, since in an RNG context “lucky” and “unlucky” are actually interchangeable.

[edit: removed old screenshot after discovering a bug in its summary calculations; new screenshot is posted later]

I am still updating my spreadsheet with any community data posted (I should upload a copy to Google Docs but the organization of it isn’t completely user-friendly for adding more data). I’m personally waiting to hit 5k Dragonite before attempting a run for my last missing dragon (Garnetaerlin). I also won’t be doing all ten eggs at once, I’ll spread them out across several days (I could really use more verifiable data for weekend crafting specifically).

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5 dias y otro topaciarte

Wow es increible que loa desarrolladores no vean esto

Hold on, I found a minor bug in my above summary where (due to how various intermediate formulas elsewhere in the sheet are calculated) the upper-left table (overall summary) was only counting the first (oldest) data point per user. The summary shown prior was correct for its stated sample size (of 611 eggs), BUT it actually excluded roughly 40% of data – I’ve corrected that now:


Data for 1000 Gem Dragon Eggs!

That bumps you to the 6% probability overall, aka. 1 in 19 users.

(machine translation: Eso lo eleva al 6% de probabilidad general, o 1 de cada 19 usuarios…)

A que te refieres ? No entendi jajaj

In graph form:

Each line charts the % probability (Y axis) of having a specific number of different color dragons, after crafting any number of eggs (X axis).

For example, if you crafted a batch of 6 eggs, that would have a ~50% chance of containing exactly 4 different color Dragons (or ~75% chance of containing at least 4 different Dragons).

en español (traducción automática)

Cada línea muestra el porcentaje de probabilidad (eje Y) de tener un número específico de dragones de diferentes colores, después de elaborar cualquier número de huevos (eje X).

Por ejemplo, si creaste un lote de 6 huevos, tendría una probabilidad de ~50% de contener exactamente 4 dragones de colores diferentes (o ~75% de probabilidad de contener al menos 4 dragones diferentes).

(Tenga en cuenta que “.” en el gráfico es un separador decimal, no un separador de miles)