" Dragon " Teams ? (Console)

Do you have Venbarak?
If so Dragotaur/Dragon Soul/Venbarak/Shadow Dragon with Abyssal Banner works fine.
Double Magic Link plus banner fills Dragon Soul very fast, while Dragon Soul fills the rest. All colours present so no exploded gem goes to waste, strong AoE.

Are you talking Guild Wars, or are you seeing teams like this in regular PVP?

You are making me feel weak yet you are absolutely right ahah.

I’ve been playing the game for 5 months nevertheless. over 9000 cards obtained and only 14 legendaries.

How much time will it take to reach a reasonable level ? Because sometimes I even get wrecked by the Courage-Loyalty-Justice combination who are common cards :cry:

I do, I will try it right away :slight_smile:

I know that Guild War teams are stronger, but when I fight lvl 11xx players I sometimes see Dragon Souls with 70hp and 80 armor … :confused: So I’d say both

The biggest one I saw was the Common card from Maugrim Woods ( I forgot its name ) in common PvP with 96 HP and 104 armor

I don’t feel like other than Krys that my first suggestion was all that crazy.
Deep Borer
Poison Master

He should have Deep Borer and Poison Master and he can reasonably find someone to fit in that team in place of Krys.

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It’s crazy that you have to fight level 1100 players at all. I know there can be no way around it in guildwars, but regular PVP should be a little more kind.

BTW, usually, the best way to deal with a power disparity like that is to use a looping team that doesn’t give up the turn. Hellcat/Alchemist/Giant Spider/anything can gradually wear down any team. If you can fill up a high-mana cost nuke in the last slot, so much the better.

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Yeah, in specific battles with such a large disparity between levels (100s vs 1k+) he really only has 2 options to win as I see it:

  1. Control as @Stan suggested above.
  2. Insta-death like Devour (preferred) or Death Mark

Trying to slug it out won’t work very well.

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This is a cool team that you mentioned as long as Rouge and Monk are traited up. I play Pvp with this one quite often.


  • The Dragon Soul
  • Dragonian Rogue
  • Dragonian Monk

Not sure what’s available on console, but I’ve been a huge dragon fan for a while. My early main team was TDS, Dragotaur, Dragonian Rogue, and Dragon Egg. Now closer to late game, my speed team is Krys, Krys, TDS, Sylv. For hard fights, I like Krys, TDS, Ele, and Dragonian Monk.

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Thank you everyone for your ideas. Whether it was early or late game I’ll keep that in mind.

I tried many of the teams recommended, switching Krys or Sylv by whatever useful I got. And the one who got the strongest impact so far was : [quote=“Gouki, post:41, topic:24655”]
If so Dragotaur/Dragon Soul/Venbarak/Shadow Dragon with Abyssal Banner works fine.

So thank you for that team, I was able to down 7k teams with it and the guild wars are a little easier now.

Just to clarify one thing, I barely have no trait at all on troops. But I did open A LOT of chests, I think I have all cards of the game up to Epic except for Snow Guardian, Green sheer, Tankbot 2000 and Ice witch. So don’t be afraid to share your teams if you’re still looking at this post and if you are an average/advanced player around lvl 100 I’m eager to know how you go through the game

Good game everyone


All my PvP teams revolve around Dragons.

My main teams are:



Sylvamora/Krys/Shadow Dragon/Celestia