Has anybody ever got that % to kill to work? I have casted it many times at +5 (supposedly 15%) but it has not worked even once.
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Has anybody ever got that % to kill to work? I have casted it many times at +5 (supposedly 15%) but it has not worked even once.
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I don’t have this weapon myself, so all I can give is stock answers…
Don’t bother casting it. Just equip for the double doom score.
This. Most of my casts were against the Doom.
After seeing this reply, I did get a coupe of kills against non-Doom troops.
On another note, the Doom weapon feels very underwhelming. For the high cost of 18 mana mono color:
it does not do quite enough damage against Dooms. It’s only x2, compared to Godslayers and Siege troops. It can’t kill mid-level Dooms in one hit, and its high cost makes it difficult to charge up a second time or beyond (assuming that the first charge is facilitated by the Potion of Enchantment). Doom tower limits troops by color, so a mono-color high cost troop tends to be unwieldy.
it doss not give a decent kill rate against vulnerable troops, at 3% per tempering level (which requires Forge Scrolls). It’s hardly worth the effort. It takes much less effort, both build-wise and mana-wise, to get a comparable kill/devour rate with something else.
So it is good for nothing, except for the mandatory double score during the event.
Im sure if you equip it as a defence weapon then it will be 90% just like devour 20%, bandit summon, giant spider summon, dodge , lethal kill percentage in the hands of the cpu.
I think many people have experienced the trauma of megavore instantly killing their troops in guild wars with that “death from below” final trait. An 8% chance to kill your last troop when it gets 4 or more gem matches can be devastating.
I still remember when I faced a thief oriented team with megavore on yellow day, and death from below triggered twice, along with rising shadows and some cascading skulls with hunters mark that completely wiped out my entire team…
@Darkborne Your pvp name is right!!!
Lol, I’m just trying to make a pont…
I know this is off-topic, but I don’t think anyone likes getting their alliance ranks taken away. When I think about all the thousands of battles and absolute garbage I had to deal with to get the great general rank, it just feels so horrible to have that just…vanish.
I see it the same way, it’s really terrible. And above all, very difficult!!
Its there for two reasons one good and one bad…
One is to keep people playing pvp to get both troops in the shop…
this i consider bad because it should be as long as the campaign
The other is it stops the kids from spamming alliance chats with their usual 001 antics. The good