Disregard this pointless thread


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Are you winged?

Back to the original question: Mab is the seminal case of the modern meta troop.
She basically works on her own, no (artificial) intelligence required. So did Famine, so does Kraken, so does Wisp.
She works well with a lot of teams, basically I see a lot of teams being rehashed with Mab added at the rearguard.
She’s RNGesus gift to spammer teams.
She forces you to build your team to beat her and kill your variety of teams.

Edit: the pink thing is my symbiote.

I had already commented on mab did you see?

I also commented on freeze in another thread

No, I’m translating so I’m slow to answer ç_ç

As for Mab, at the very least take away her recast trait.

It’s really challenging, so perhaps not used with an automatic trigger?

Automatic triggers are far too thick on the ground lately.

I agree… There should be no traits that trigger by 4 or 5 gem matches.

We should also nerf aby! One card to both explode the board AND summon a legendary is too much

It’s against my interest because I love dragons teams and triggering on 4 matches are their thing.
It should be a Dragon thing, like double turn is a Goblin thing and Enrage a Teddybear thing, but if not, at least a Mythic thing.

AoE is more a dragon thing but that is OP too one cast to hit all enemies should be 20 mana at minimum

It depends how they hit. Drakulis at 20 is infuriating. (20 points with three colours, while Dragons have 2 and fill more slowly.)

I totally agree! Draak should be at least 30 mana cost

I’m wondering if the next new troop, the Wildfolk legendary, is going to become meta too. It looks quite powerful, power creeping considered.

He should definitely be nerfed too! Well spotted


haha Vangor, ure the best! You makes me laugh so good tonight, thank you! :+1:

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I just wish people would work with different teams. Branch out of the meta and try different things that feel right to them. I’ve put together teams that were just fine, fun, and more than usable. Sure they didn’t win 100% of the time but so what?

Fighting the same teams is a chore, especially the devour ones. You can be doing well, then they basically get some luck and bam, insta-kills all around.

Why is it that devour is 40% on Kerby and Kraken which work on any devourable troop and the “specific” devourers are only 10% more and aren’t as overall useful? I’d knock 'em to 30% since it’s an insta-kill either way, (and people feed them with Giant Spider and Forest Troll which gives extra turns constantly from matches and lets you keep re-trying easily), which makes the specific ones more appealing, and since Death Mark which is also an insta-kill is only 10% but stays longer, it feels…better to me. Less chance of it happening but they try more often with the feeder troops, specific devourers seem more appealing, and Death Mark feels more substantial by comparison.

I could be wrong, which is fine, but in the end I really suggest people branching out more. Try new teams. Even if they might not be as steam-roller…-y, I find matches more fun when it’s more back and forth and feels like a good ‘fight’ and I’m using a team that feels more ‘me’ rather than seeing who can devour or get endless loops first.

An excellent observation! In fact i am going to advocate for the removal of devour completely!

And right after I said that the universe threw this at me. I saw this and literally just sighed out loud. This is a chore.

Absolutely not. We need another meta, I still meet fancy teams and this makes RNGesus cry.

No he should be nerfed for sure!

Only 2 of those teams you listed are meta and those 2 teams are the only meta anyone is using. You can go 20 fights without seeing anything other than the kraken and wisp bs meta. This is the first time I can remember that practically everyone in the game has a meta team on their defense.