Discussion about weapons that is only available for money

I simply do not agree, the p2w factor here is that a bundle provides 75% or more of a legendary troop for $50, which is a very high premium already. $50 is a AAA game on steam. Adding 6 more stones wouldn’t affect the meta much, especially considering they are currently offering 6 of each green arcane for $30.

Exactly what I was thinking when I posted my first reply.

All power to ya. As far as I’m concerned paying $50 and fully traiting it is too much. That is all.

You’re right that these elements tread close to the P2W line. Why go all the way over the line? I think that will lessen the amount of players which would be detrimental to the game. The game gravitates around PVP which hinges on having a diverse pool of players.

How would it lessen the amount of players? Having better options in the shop shouldn’t lessen the players. You can already buy the legendary and you can buy the stones, I don’t see the issue. $50 for one troop traited is rather expensive in my book. You wouldn’t see flocks of people snatching that up, even fully traited. This is ignoring the fact of the keys and other extras included.

If the game was actually fully P2W, they would probably attract less players. Practically everyone that I know who plays the game gave it a try because they felt they didn’t have to buy anything to succeed and because it wasn’t P2W. Perception is everything.

Now, I personally have no problem putting money in the game. I’m happy to support the devs hard work. However, having a system that supports the devs and having a P2W system are two different things.

I’ve put money into the game as well, but not for items like the legendary packs. There’s no value in it for me. The DK armor I bought, the $4.99 daily gem packs. When the game first game out I bought a few gem packs and that is about it. I think I may have bought 2 traitstone packs. How about a $4.99 daily traitstone pack based on color? Ex. Red stone pack: 50% chance for 12x minor traitstones, 20% 8x Major (I know forgive me), 15% chance for 4x Runic, 10% chance for 2x Arcane, 5% chance for 1x Celestial. Just for example.

the weapons costing money just gives me a reason to not use the hero ever.

Yikes. Overreaction much? There are lots of weapons that are competitive in PvP that aren’t paid weapons.

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Let us not forget that some very powerful weapons where for glory that you could unlock later like the very powerful grower weapon, sun and moon or the war and peace or shegra’s heart which come in the weapon pack often but can be unlocked normally.

I can see it as a VIP benefit. Perhaps at VIP 3 or 4, it would cost gems to purchase a weapon pack. Then maybe at VIP 6 or 7, it would cost glory like it use to be. And then at a higher VIP level, maybe its free.

Just a suggestion.

I’d rather not waste trait stones on the hero (when we get hero classes) while there are still *s to gain anyhow.

As much as I remember, the old Glory weapons were kingdom based, like Crescendo for Pan’s Value. Wouldn’t it make sense that they could be unlocked by raising the corresponding kingdom power high enough? Feels like a win/win/win situation for me, the weapons can be obtained again by everybody, the carrot hunters have another carrot to hunt for, the players willing to invest money can target the kingdom that carries the weapon they want.

Note that I had no clue some old event weapons have been or are available in the shop for money as I only enter the shop for the glory rewards. Especially if the available weapon rotates, it would be good to get a shout-out about it through some other means.

I’d really love to see some blend of non-paid and paid ways to get old weapons. It kills me not having some of them!