Disallow duplicated mythic / legendary troops in a team

I’m tired of fighting against endless triple Takshaka team, or double Pharaoh Khafru team, or triple Eye of Arges team, etc, etc. So I come up this suggestion. I know it’s certainly controversial, but there are good reasons:

  1. Lore wise, all mythic and legendary troops are unique peoples / creatures / monsters. It feels strange two identical Queen Titania fight together, for example. Named epics (such as Luther, Rowanne) are also in this category.
  2. Some legendary traits are fine when only one copy presents, but quickly become brokenly overpowered when multiple copies all taking effect. Takshaka, Pharaoh Khafru, Eye of Arges are most glaring ones.
  3. AI teams already follow this rule, if my observation are right.
  4. This rule won’t hurt new players, because they are unlikely to have duplicated mythics / (non-faction) legendaries anyway. Double Queen Beetrix is the most accessible duplicated legendary team for new players, and it can be roughly replaced by Queen Beetrix + King Gobtruffle without losing much power or accessibility,
  5. For olderf players, they should have more than enough troops to choose from.
  6. Pure faction delve is the only mode that will be significantly hurt by this suggestion, due to very limited troop selection range. To compensate that, I suggest double (or maybe triple) treasure hoard bonus when running pure faction delve team.

Common, rare, ultra rare, and epic troops that are not named, there can still be multiple copies in a team. Those are common cannon fodders.


Sounds like this game isn’t for you. Probably 99% would disagree with this idea. Many other options. Nothing mandatory.


Nope. Learn to counter them and use the spell shield monolith. Id say that in hundreds of battles i lose max 20 fights on a bad rng week. Most battles are brain off. If you are struggling and you are an older player the problem isnt the troops its you


In my opinion, it would be a positive rules change if in any non-Central Spire region, a PvP team had to satisfy a requirement that it meets “4 troops of X”, where “X” is the region restriction. It should certainly promote a little more diversity in what we see in PvP, because I can’t be the only one who is aggravated that every other team in Divine is multiple Takshaka, every team in Human is multiple Tesla, et cetera. How every other opposition Hero is an Elementalist regardless of the region restriction.

But it’s also something that isn’t practical right now. If the developers and the coders have yet to figure out prevent teams with Immortals from deleting themselves every time you leave the region, there’s no way they could satisfy my suggestion if non-compliant (but region-acceptable) Immortals exist.

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The Dev’s broke it by making attach defense. Players should not be punished for this. This we would make it take even longer to get the rewards/levels for players who are already hamstrung by lid point battles.


You are not seeing those defensive teams because they are the best/strongest defensive teams your opponent has. (Be careful what you wish for.) You are seeing them because they are generally fast/efficient ATTACK teams for the region.

People are generally using their fastest/most efficient attack teams for each area because, 1: The game is so bloated with stuff that needs doing, that speed of doing is almost job #1. And 2: Having to regain our alliance rank in pvp every season, and needing rather a lot of battles to make the rank goal for the season, makes the speed issue even more important.

Since TPTB, in their infinite laz…ahem…WISDOM, decided to make defender teams from whatever team was used for attack, this is what you end up with.

It’s important to remember that Gems of War is not Gems of PvP. There is a lot to do in the game. Many of us would like to do all of those other things, without being burdened with more rules, to please a subset of pvp players. I’m sure this is especially true for all of the many players who have decided to just ignore pvp, altogether.


You are absolutely right that many people don’t want another rule to dictate how their team builds, especially one that cuts away their fastest victory teams.

But on the other hand, do we really enjoy it as a game when our motive is to finish the grind as fast as possible? That sounds a lot like we are doing a job, payless.

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The problem is that this restriction would then likely appear in other places as well. Meaning no duplicate troops in pure faction runs, guild events like Journey, possibly even GaPs. I’m sure it would be lauded as huge success in their end-of-the-year self celebration.


Simple decision for me. There are lots of games to play. I like Gems of War because it mostly lets me decide how I want to play. Each restriction just leads to an easier decision to quit the game and move on, even though I’m VIP 11 and originally planned to reach VIP 20 and therefore play for another decade. And there’s many that think like me. Some already quit, while I still love the game enough to stay even though every new restriction always has a negative impact on my fun …


Lorewise, all Epic troops (especially NPC questgivers, e.g. Amira and Rowanne) are implied to be unique individuals, should they be restricted by this idea too?

Does this also apply to different variants of implicitly the same underlying individual, like Brian the Lucky / Clucky (per Gobmother’s Orb campaign), or regular / Dragonknight Amira (per 10th Anniversary) ?

for newer players, artifact lore from the Gobmother's Orb

“Sir Brian the Lucky was a problem – what did he do this time? Good question! He discovered a magic lamp and rubbed it. Okay – we ALL might do that – but when the creepy old Goblin woman appeared and offered him a wish, he wished to fly. So she turned him into a chicken.
Currently we’re all calling him Brian the CLUCKY while we figure out how to turn him back…”

Also lorewise, you have Troops such as Doppelganger (heck, the entire Mirrored Halls faction), Lyriath, and Abyssinia who can specifically summon “a copy of” a specific Troop that would otherwise be considered unique. Why should that logic not apply to base team composition?

Heck, since we mentioned summoning it’s pretty well-known that most Troops who summon at random are specifically excluded from their own summoning table, but this is a summoner’s rule, not lore.

Mechanically, if you are crafting a Mythic Troop from the Soulorge, the game will notify you if you already have at least one of the Troop in question, and confirm whether you really want to craft a duplicate (not because of lore, but because of the high crafting cost).

This is arguably a problem with those Traits specifically, and can be discussed separately.

Only mostly correct, but see my reply to your point #1.

Note that duplicated Troops do not count towards team-specific bonuses (by color, Kingdom, or Troop Type) so there is already a non-zero incentive to not duplicate Troops in your team. Granted, this mostly applies to “low level” (by Kingdom stat bonus) players, and becomes moot at high levels.


Every mode in the game rewards resources. Some resources are unique to their mode. All modes require a time investment to accumulate resources.

Now, some modes are fun for us. Which ones are fun, is different from person to person. But, if you are playing the game, you gotta be enjoying something, otherwise why? The modes we don’t really enjoy much, are the grind. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that didn’t have some parts that I didn’t enjoy much, that I had to do anyway, to progress.

Point being, playing is not automatically grinding. It’s only grinding when you have to do a lot of a thing that you don’t really enjoy. The parts you DO enjoy, are not the grind. They are the game, for you. So you grind the parts you don’t like, to get the things necessary to progress your account, to help with the parts you DO enjoy. My grind, might be your game. My game, might be your grind.

From your original post, it sounds like you don’t enjoy pvp as it is. But you WANT to enjoy it and have an idea that will make pvp more enjoyable for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just like there is nothing wrong with the people who honestly enjoy pvp as it is (who don’t want this rule change), or the people who are never going to enjoy it and just want to grind it quickly (who don’t want this rule change), or the people who don’t want to bother with it at all (who don’t want this rule change to mess with the rest of the game).


I dont mind this idea, but as a “enforced” general rule im against it, maybe this would be nice idea for a floating region in PvP like Blood Frenzy or a another mode maybe. I think ive had a similar idea before and suggested it in along forgotten dusty chat chain, where there was some kind of point system so you were restricted to the troops you could pick. So it would go something like Commons 1 point Rare 2 points and so on boss troops 6 , same rule for the rarity of weapon, thought it would make a nice replacement/ modification for “Arena” where you could have a pool to pick from rather than the way it works now or “dont” as the case maybe.

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20 is a LONG way off

knowing my VIP level, I’m literally ashamed that I spent that much on a game… not enough face palms emoticons for it.


No, your complaint is PvP specific. Such a restriction would affect every aspect of the game.

  1. EWWWWW.

Didn’t realize ive spent that much on it. Welp. No more. Thats irresponsible by me :flushed: :grimacing: :rage:

Thank you for quoting the lore :partying_face: The origin of Clucky is one of the more fun ones and I had forgotten it :rooster: :dagger:


Complete nonsense!

It’s more than enough to be restricted to 1 Immortal troop!!!


I’m level 17 I did skip a level by buying about 6 of those anniversary packs but spent way too much on this game. Can’t see myself getting any higher

And to think someone a few weeks issued a post requesting additional VIP levels. I guess for every :whale: there’s a larger one

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