Devour Skill / Bad for the Game

Whoa, nelly! I am not complaining. I am debating. Very big difference.

Guess what. Knight Coronet is not OP, Gorgotha is not OP, and Dark Master is not OP. That is where I am. Your exclusion of a top level meta is due to your level, and that is it.

Ok, are you ready for this?

You are on record saying that you don’t like competition. The question I have for you is would you even face a fully traited Maw with all the kingdom bonuses behind him and his broken 3rd trait?

I would love to see how that works out for you. There are some creative players among us and Great Maw isn’t always first. Maw has a variety of teams with him, and your gobbies won’t cut it.

I agree, and I don’t believe this debate is about low level players, the Great Maw is not overhyped. He is rather broken. Too much evidence to the contrary.[quote=“killerman3333, post:59, topic:8239”]
if you guys want diversity see if the mods wont reset your game player level so you can enjoy the game again but leave the maw deck when you go back to basics

Wow. I actually don’t know how to approach this one. I have the basics mastered. You have mentioned several times that you don’t even face a traited Maw. So, where do you actually stand in this debate?