Devil in the Details

I personally dont mind a yellow/brown troop that is a purple transformer tho. As long as its mana colors is differently.

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Same, I guess, it’s just that at 14 mana it’s hard to see a use for it.

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Totally agree with it, and hope the devs will revisit this troop shortly after the event is done.

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Hellcat costs 12, not 13.

Erinyes can target Purple itself? And skulls? That’s odd.

Actually I really and emotionally disagree on this point. I believe we really need to see another set of any-to-colour transformers to allow way more team build options. Ideally they’d offer new colour combos away from the current ones and the trolls (Erinyes does) and have vaguely useful secondary effects (Erinyes doesn’t).


I think disease the top two troops would have been better than the double summon. Fits the Blighted Lands theme and would have opened up a nice Venbarak lead, Infernal King based skull team.


The summon opens up so many meme teams though, please keep it as is, it’s perfect! :smiley:

Tacet was running a hilarious team of Sacrifice / Erinyes / Shadowblade / Fire Bomb. I’m in tears :rofl:

The fact that it can transform skulls and purple itself is pretty awesome as well. Hope it’s intended and not a bug (i.e. hope it stays this way and is not “fixed”).

I have bad news about the skulls and purple thing. That’s been fixed for me.

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Perhaps my post wasn’t clear.

I don’t know why we need another ‘any-to-purple’ transformer that summons.

I have no objection to the transform spell and colour - as you say, it opens up a whole load of options. I object to it costing more than the existing transformer due to a secondary effect that duplicates the secondary effect of the existing ‘any-to-purple’ transformer.


Yeah can agree with that. Ta

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To me this Troop is somewhat of a placeholder for when they decide to expand the mechanic that Sacrifice was made for (but can’t realistically use as pretty much any conceivable team is superior atm). I could be way off the beam though.

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This is fixed now.

:grimacing: Fixed.

I get she’s similar to other troops, but I would like to think that offers some small nuances in strategizing team composition.

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