Developer Q&A (20th August)

It never existed!


Oh that suck they were cool

Gem priority sliders and T shirt designs.

Gone way too soon

Iā€™m calling copyright disputes, but since it has disappeared then it will be buriedā€¦

/derail over :rofl:

So new player donā€™t need blue and orange orb?


Talking very early game, here.

Early enough that leveling a troop to 20 is more potent than traiting it. Thatā€™s whatā€¦ below rank 100?

From the stream, the devs mentioned that the major growth orb was placed in Portal 2 because thatā€™s as far as new accounts were clearing in Raid/Invasion mode and they wanted them to earn something meaningful from the event.

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So basically the developers have figured out that people hoard keys and designed a new ā€œworldā€ that uses new resources, which will probably be pay to obtain if the gem sinks are any indication.

Instead of making a sequel and calling it as such, with a pay to win model, theyā€™ll just continue to implement it here and call it a new feature.

Or maybe Iā€™m wrong and this will be the best thing everā€¦ :wink:

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And, if iā€™m not mistaken, we didnā€™t had it in the very first events which generated complaints about how hard of a bottleneck it was for future creation of Orbs of Power, because a Major Orb of Growth needs 20 minors to craft, while the others requires 4.


Well, arenā€™t we just a fount of negativity today?

When it comes to this game since 3.5 dropped, always until I see otherwise. Outside of that, Iā€™ve actually had one of the most fantastic and productive days of my life. :slight_smile:

OKay so the players who are new enough to not have a Guildā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Buenas tardes. No modifiqueis las Tropas Mƭticas, tened en cuenta que hay personas que les cuesta conseguirlas y si las cambiƔis harƩis que la gente se desilusione. Gracias