Dev Q and A Question Gathering Time!

The ring of wonder. It seems that would have brought in a lot of sales at 100%, now its been nerfed everyone thinks its crap now. Any plans to put it back to 100%? There’s no problem with people earning a lot more resources if they’re paying for it!


Please ask about bringing single key opening and also can the animation be sped up and the voice added back in for epic, legendary and mythic troop finds? I like the new animation but it’s too slow.


Please allow console users to go to Z from A with a single left movement and also enable the trigger buttons to fast scroll. The new menus are awful for console users.


Can the devs make the crafting diamonds black to better differentiate between the gems?


OK, I love the new effects for the most part but they should be optional, please ask about adding in an option to turn them off.

Thanks for the suggestion to break up the post into separate questions.


Just to add to this:

  • This hugely affects my guild, which has many lower level players. A lot of them relied on Arena to farm souls, and now don’t play it any more because they can rarely win against dawnbringer.
  • In October the Devs said they were looking at Arena (quote below). So I would like the question to be: “In October you acknowledged that Dawnbringer was a problem in arena. What have you done to address this and when will the update be released?”

When will you be removing Dawnbringer from Def in the Arena???


Please please is it possible to remove where the refresh for an enemy in pvp? wasting gems is not fun!

Will there be an option to take away all this nonsense effects!


I just wonder why it is too much to ask for when it comes to a few troop reworks every week? This week it was a Stryx/Suncrest event, why couldn’t you just rework some of the Stryx. As an endgame player I have to be honest and this feels like another opportunity for a few troop reworks was wasted, weeks is flying.


Everyting in this game is really bright and colourful now but the guild roster is a really plain black and white is that a placeholder that you forget to replace and if not will you be changing it anythime soon?


Will GW troops be put into guild chests anytime soon?

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Everyone has been wanting Pharos-Ra in the soulforge couldn’t you either refresh the soulforge until he shows up or just put him in the shop for 4k diamonds and forget the soul and traitstone cost as a sorry you had to wait months for him?


Are planning to add a new kingdom in January?

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Yes, bright forest. That’s already been answered.

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Are the devs considering a new star rarity beyond Mythic in 2018, now that Mythic units are becoming more common as a result of the Soulforge? If so, are there conceptual plans to use a different sent of requirements to ascend a unit to this rarity instead of just feeding more copies of a card to itself.

/grimaces thinking about needing as many as 200-500 more copies of a unit to reach the next rarity level.


Can we please just have notifications in global when someone actually finds a mythic and not when they ascend them?


What are some of the concepts that the devs are considering for the upcoming revamp of Arena/PvP/Story Mode/Treasure Hunts for improving them?


How about a troop that gives you an option. Heal another troop or damage an a troop from the other team. Or mana drain or explode gems. Etc.

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When will Soulforge move [its bum ass] outta the Games section?

A game!

(Props for anyone who gets the reference.)


When are the actual mini-games going to see some improvement?

Arena’s been spoken of, what with Dawnbringer and Runic Blade - and certain UI issues. I personally don’t want to play something simply because its trophy-efficient, if it even is.

Treasure map has needed improvements since ever. Most people (higher levels especially) don’t bother with them. There’s no incentive. Add crafting reagents to the reward pool - or better yet, guarantee them dropping. Rework the entire thing to be for crafting if you have to, god knows we have enough ways to get gold and souls and gems.

Possibly fine-tune the seal rewards for maps so that, for example, we get 40 seals if its over 100 turns (or 120 or 150). I feel slightly stupid when I play a long one and get only 20 seals.

Dungeons can honestly use some added variety. That’s all I’m gonna say.