Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

My math is not perfect. I usually see how many gems I start with then how many I have left at the end of the event. Not really factoring in tribute collecting. I recently did sea of sorrow, sunken fleet, fang moor, and dark pits. For sea of sorrow I said 2500, fang moor around 2700, and sunken around 3000.

So being grumpy means what was said is true? Wow.

If you are going direct on Tuesday you need well over 4k gems. My point is not to invalidate you. My point is to not allow posts like yours to mislead folks trying to beat delves and thinking your words are valid. Cos they arent

Top guild? Yh I know what that is and your guild mates will tell you. Open the curtains and look outside

I don’t think that’s right. Pretty sure I’ve done Tuesday events with 3000 gems or fewer in the past, but if you run through the math I can figure out where I went wrong.

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3k? No way.
3k on a 3 day yes

I’m sorry that is just not true. I no where spent 20k on those 4 factions. You have to remember that some have higher stats than others. I’m level 1585. I have hoards around 200. I have 50% hoard bonus from kingdom upgrades. I have campaign bonuses and I medal faction troops sometimes. I kept buying tier 7s when I ran out of sigils until 500. Usually I got a raven on 480 or 490 which gave me a chance or two at 500. Sunken fleet was the only one that I had to buy another tier 7 while already at 500.

Easily solved. Do your next necessary 1 day, buy what you need in tiers and prove it’s doable at 2500 gems. Yes?
All your stats and horde are irrelevant.

I only stated my stats because it shows that I don’t have much difficulty and I usually beat them without losing or having to over spend. That was the reason. Again I said I didn’t really add in tribute collecting, so that will change the total, but I did pay attention to my gems at the beginning and end of each event and told my guild how much it costs on discord for future reference. If someone knows the total of all tiers and 8 to 10 tier 7s that should give the amount.

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I totally get and appreciate that. But the 2500 claim is completely wrong and misleads players. Revoke that and let’s see if we can offer more appropriate and accurate advice.

3 Rooms (Fastest Run):
12 Tier 7’s (1 Day Event) - 3510 Gems
10 Tier 7’s (3 Days Event) - 3110 Gems

[If and only if u dont find any valraven during the run]

5 Rooms (Slowest Run):
12 Tier 7’s (1 Day Event) - 3510 Gems
10 Tier 7’s (3 Days Event) - 3110 Gems

[If and only if u dont find any valraven during the run]

Perfect and Tedious Run:
5 Tier 7’s (1 Day Event) - 2110 Gems
3 Tier 7’s (3 Days Event) - 1710 Gems

U always reach 500 with 3 sigils.

This is impossible?


Thanks. I think with my ravens the numbers are not too off.

Guess that “confirms” my unofficial estimate of #Battles = Sigils * 1.75 for faction events, when completing all rooms.

However, there is an important caveat that has been mentioned: time. So while it is possible, as has been shown by @Texugo-928 (great post by the way), not everyone has the time or will to spend that time for a perfect run on a Tuesday. So, if they don’t want to spend 4.5 hours glued to their game on a Tuesday, they would need to shell out more gems to pay for the ravens they’re skipping.

Now @Magnusimus I have a question for you: how do you have 40k+ gems? I realize a lot of end-gamers simply have a bunch of resources, including high kingdom powers and simply more time playing the game. So I am curious as to what you smart resource management tips are. I always buy at least 4 tiers for the weekly event, the 7 dungeon deals and a daily deed offer if it shows up (haven’t done arena so not spending it there). While I gain more than I spend, faction+bounty weekends bring me back down considerably. Wondering if anything I’m doing is blatantly “off” or if I’m just not end-game enough yet.

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Do you collect your tributes regulary? Also when you have all troops you dont really need the daily dungeon offers. Deeds are also not a must anymore. The only gatekeepers are imperial deeds, unless you want to craft books of deeds, but that would be awfully expensive.


Yeah, collect them every hour, basically from 5 am to 9pm. But I think it’s that I’m at the start of end-game. I only have 2 at power 10, the rest are power 9. I realize that that bumps the gems/tribute a bit due to the extra chance of tribute.

Guess that makes sense regarding the daily dungeons and deeds. Still missing almost all mythics and have 30 kingdoms to get to 15 so deeds are still nice, especially since my guild almost never finishes epic green for writs. Guess it’s like traitstones: it’ll get to a point where I won’t need to actively seek them out.

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Just be patient, you will get there soon enough

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What? 3 tier 7 for less than 1750 gems? Really?
If @Magnusimus has 40k gems at VIP 3 then he doesn’t do zip in events to help his guild or is plain lying. Either way you can’t do room skip to 500 for 2500 gems. Fact

2500 gems skipping throughout is impossible. Yes? Or did you forget the discussion and cloud the issue with another point?

I always do the 3 tier 7’s for the weekend events. Do all rooms and utilize the free sigils given. It’s a good way to save some gems.


For verification:

So before I go through, the “this is just my opinion” caveat: this is just what I do, and results can vary wildly from player to player given many factors, like longevity in a guild that completes all tasks or kingdom power progression.

Tributes are easily going to be the biggest factor of any player’s income, which is why PC/Mobile players tend to have bigger stashes (easier to collect; contrary to what some might think, I’m not tied to my Xbox the way most of us are to our phones :joy:). Since the covid-pacolypse makes it unsafe for me to go outside when most of my community is failing to follow proper quarantine protocols (my immune system has been weakened by repeated bouts of cancer), I’m always home. So even if I’m not actively playing I can generally get 10 a day, no sweat, and my Kingdom Power at this point makes my average tribute ~15-20 gems.

So that’s 200 a day right there, 1400 for the week, by far the biggest haul, and that’s without factoring in the gems from all the gold keys I used to habitually open as I earned them (and remember: buying the glory shop troop every week to mythic rarity yields a lot of gold and glory keys). I have no idea what my current weekly tribute-income-figure would be if I were still opening the keys within tributes, but I know if I were to open all 50k gold keys I currently have, that would not be an insignificant amount of gems. So my advice: spend ‘em if you want gems, especially if you’re not worried about the devs introducing a lot of commons or rares that can only be gotten by chest pulls (or an additional rarity someday being added to the game).

Key-opening once a month for the new mythic probably also has an impact. Last mythic took me all my glory keys (I think 3-6k or so?) and over 300k raw glory (which is about what I make a month). That probably helped my stash, but I didn’t keep track, if so; just keep in mind those of us opening tons of keys every month are adding to the pile by doing so.

But I digress— add to the 1400 we are sure of above to other things we know, like the 140 a week guaranteed from Adventure Boards, 400ish from Guild tasks, and we have an “income” of ~2k a week when we include other incidentals, like when the “kill 150 troops” of a certain color pops, or the tiny profit from bothering to do the free sigils of the weekly class trial happens, or the 55 gem rebate one gets when the World Event reward tiers are completed, etc…

Added to that (tentatively, as this is by no means a guarantee): Guild Wars. For me lately that has amounted to another 1-1.5k gems spread across 4 weeks, so our weekly total income can comfortably be said to be 2250.

Expenses are the other factor. I do not know what these cost exactly, so feel free to correct me if I’ve guessed wrong, since I don’t want to look up what all the shop costs are.

I, like you, buy for 50 gems every day the dungeon diamonds (I’m not a “true” endgamer to some, as I’m still missing a dozen mythics or so, and for anyone who isn’t chasing said cards the 350 gems saved a week is significant), and I always buy any tiers required for new content. In World Events with new weapons that means IV or V, usually, and I never do fewer than III, regardless (my average is probably a Tier IV, as I feel the gem-cost per epic-token is still decent-ish at that point. Definitely spent to Tier IV this week. So what does that make it—500 or so?). Bounty Troops I buy to mythic, so that’s a Tier VI purchase, so about 1k gems, I think, divided by 4 to get the weekly impact. In old events I only ever bought troops to legendary, so there’s some legacy savings from that. I buy the enchant ever faction assault, so that’s 30 gems gone. I buy Imperial deeds in daily offers any time I am allowed, same for pets, but they’re on offer so infrequently that this is maybe 50-100 gems a week, on average. I’ll say 75 for the equation below. Guild Guardians totaled out are a big hit — about 100 gems a week, when thinking of it that way. Tier IV of new factions released is a similar cost, I believe, and I always do that for the weapon. Raids and towers and towers of doom for new weapons cost about 250-300, I think, so a little less but let’s say 100 a week just to be safe, though the rebates maybe also cushion it (my guild unlocks all reward tiers, and in ToD makes the leaderboard, so the rebates always happen and can be significant savings). So:

350+500+250+30+75+100+100+100+100+100 = 1705.

If I’ve guessed costs correctly (I’m less sure about them than I am my income), then we can see I make a profit of ~500 gems a week, and that can start to add up fast.

It accelerates even harder anytime I can collect more tributes a day, or anytime I decide to buy fewer event tiers if I don’t feel like playing much, or if I stop buying the diamonds (which I’m only doing because I can afford to and I’d like to have the mythics faster, even the apocalypse ones no one needs), or if I save pets the old fashioned way :man_shrugging:

Hope that helps and wasn’t just uselessly-rambly — good luck to you, and feel free to ask any follow up questions! :grin:

And EDIT for The Vaped Crusader, though I don’t know why I bother, I’m currently 6th in the guild for helping in the World Event, so :man_shrugging::joy:

I’ll post some more screens to verify VIP status and guild placement, if I remember. But this is already off-topic and veering verbose — the only on-topic-ness is to make sure others realize who the truly credible opinion sources are, and also to say it is possible to buy faction weapons at release and still be net-positive on gem income.

It’s never necessary, by the way, to spend enough gems to get onto the leaderboard to get all the rewards for the entire guild if everyone in the guild just does their parts with like a Tier II or something (this is the best praise I can give for the World Events: the costs-for-completion are much better now than they were at the beginning). So, yeah — I’m never on the event leaderboards, even though some in my guild choose to be. That in no way makes me a non-contributor; that makes me a good manager of my guild so that no one ever feels the need to overspend or “waste,” as profitability per-person compounds for the good of the entire guild