Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

Ain’t nobody got time for that. Digging thru olde posts to find out if anybody knew a troop would be broken…during GW week…with campaigns, world events, and a weekend delve event.

Even now I woulddn’t waste time doing it. Because who knew, way back when, that ai Forest Trolls would take a board with 4 green mana on opposite corners of the map, double them, and add 4 in just the right place to make an extra turn for Mr. Truffles to loop your GW team to death?

But people did complain after. And the dev response was to create Queen Bee, who requires 1 less mana, has the ability to cleanse all with 3rd trait, and do true dmg instead, and thanks to streaky rng, get those ai loops done 40% faster. There is no Gobchomper equivalent for Wildfolk.

I ain’t mad tho. I use both of them too. What do I care if the devs nerf, or don’t nerf, a troop or weapon. Plenty of other troops to use. I’ll just wait to learn which ones to use best from our great GoW community.