Deeds - Discussion and Critique

At this point, its not about blindly wanting to give them money. There’s plenty of that. We want specific things, and aren’t going to give money for things we don’t need. Yes, there’s new stuff coming in 5.0, but that still doesn’t solve the Imperial Deed issue.


Unless 5.0 offers a new way to acquire Imperial deeds. Even the beta testers don’t have full information, because the devs routinely withhold things during the beta.

The original plan was too fast and we should have all realized it as so.
34 skillpoints from leveling up all kingdoms in a year is too much, especially compared to skill gain through delve renown. And there was an expectation to raise the kingdom level cap again, with another possible 34 skill points.

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That’s my thought on the matter as well. There probably was merit at one time with the “max everything out in one year” premise, where players would be scrambling to keep up with ever more difficult, ever faster increasing powercreep. But, as the devs say, plans change. Somewhere along the line, the timeline was altered from this original vision, and appears to be now extended to be to end to completion of the Underworld.

As a consequence, several game power mechanisms were significantly slowed down. Power creep via troop releases in 5.0 will be much slower, and of course the current discussion here regarding the glacial rates of obtaining Imperial Deeds. These are likely an intentional result of slamming on the brakes of power creep.

This is the big wild card, right now. In beta, the devs were very careful not to even tip their hand towards their intentions here. We worked with placeholder values, all beta long. I doubt that even on next Monday’s reveal that any of the real values for the new offers will be shown.

Personally, I think with 5.0, the game is shifting towards a new progression model, with orders of progression speed depending on a player’s willingness with various offer systems.

Fastest: Players who are Campaign subscribers + buy VIP 6 Daily Deals
Faster: Players who are Campaign subscribers
Fast: Players who buy VIP 6 Daily deals only and are not Campaign subscribers
Normal: Players who only buy relevant non-VIP Daily Deals
Slowest: F2P players who do not engage in any offers

IMO, we’re moving towards systems where large passive gem incomes aren’t going to help with progression anymore, unlike previous weekly guild events (Raid Boss, Invasions, etc). No more keeping up with the power creep meta by risklessly buying out Tier 6 in event shops each week. Sure, F2P players will be able to complete/collect everything for free. But, the amount of time needed to catch up and the gap between those who pay will be growing larger and larger.

The final reveal of the true Campaign systems will be very telling in this regard.


Ok so we are about 6 months in now and have we had enough writ tasks to make A SINGLE COLORED DEED yet?

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After never spending a single writ, I crafted 5 imperials last night for 5000 writs. My stash included the 1000 writs they gave us to start out. I’m sue most writs came from weekly guild tasks.

Don’t forget the 10 writs from today’s task! I mean, that’s a substantial amount!

Part of my 704 writs left over.

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Another Writ task today, and I still find this thought incredible.


Not that we’d want to use them on colored deeds. Imperials are the area where the system shoots us down.

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Do we have a deed per month statistic?

Yes RNG, but the last weeeks or allready months they were super rare in the AB :face_with_monocle:


Here you go…


October 3 - epic blue;
October 15 - legendary purple;
October - 23 - epic blue

September 4 - epic purple;
September 5 - legendary red;
September 9 - epic yellow;
September 11 - epic red;
September 18 - legendary yellow;
September 21 - epic blue & epic purple;
September 23 - epic blue;
September 24 - epic green;
{but I’ve surprisingly lost screen capture of September 20, maybe it was one more set of deeds?}

August 4 - ultra-rare writs;
August 6 - legendary blue;
August 11 - epic blue;
August 13 - epic red;
August 15 - legendary blue;
August 20 - ultra-rare writs

I’ll stop here for now.


We have had approximately 41 Imperial Deeds from AB since 28th August 2019.

So much groundwork, it then leads to… wait for it… wait for it…

A year later… Still waiting for it…

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Interesting tidbit of info: If you have been doing AB every day and are lucky enough to be in a guild that completes epic tasks you now have enough blue deeds to take all blue kingdoms to lv 15. One color down, 5 to go. Green and Red not far behind. Purple, Yellow and Brown still need quite a few.


What the Soulforge needs next is an offer to craft colored deeds into imperial deeds rather than just into books (and 50 seems like too many for that).

Maybe 3 or 4 deeds of each color makes one imperial deed?

Imperial deeds cost 500 gems when offered and colored deeds are 2 for 300 gems (without discount), but considering the Soulforge usually makes you lose a decent amount of value for the convenience of forging, that seems about fair.


So I… I buy this? That’s what I do?

Part of me was automatically urging me to buy it, but another part of me is thinking…

  1. In the grand scheme of things (in terms of how IDs are doled out over time through the AB), how much of a real difference is this going to make?


  1. I mean sure, 500 Gems isn’t the biggest outlay in the world, but will I feel like it was a waste if the dev team gets around to deciding to fix the ID acquisition rate in some other way?

Pls n ty

If this isn’t a rhetorical question, I would recommend buying it if you have the gems to spare (and/or won’t go broke from it). Imperial Deeds are poorly distributed such that regular deeds are mostly worthless compared to the ID block.

People can stand by not buying these IDs to make a point, but… its only really hindering themselves if they needed the IDs. The devs aren’t going to refund days where you didn’t buy IDs in the past.


Deeds in general seem (for me) to have gone AWOL from AB’s. Anyone spending on an increasingly broken game just shows the company how little their QA matters. Reap what you sow.

Sorry for this zombie, but…
Is it just me or are there really very few (no?) adventure board deeds in the past / since the last update? :face_with_monocle:

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