Death Mark, new hotness, or basic?

I don’t think you can say this. I see Plague almost as much as Maw anymore in PvP.

I also face off against a Plague or 2 every 3-5 matches, the thing is he’s still a costly Mythic, so he’ll rarely if ever get to shoot his spell off. (At least against me.) Even when he does luck out and fire, I can cover the ground lost without much obstruction.

If Death is reworked before his release, fine by me, I haven’t actually used any of the Mythic’s as of yet - too costly soul/trait-wise for no overall gain (kingdoms/etc). But either way, I won’t be fearing a match against the dreaded horsemen anymore than I fear a lucky Maw/Mercy match.

Yesterday, one of my troop was killed at the first turn after Death Mark.
10% only, yes but when it happens it’s painful…

Death’s rework concerns the second part of the spell only: SPOILER ALERT ---- Is This Mr. Death ? Wu@Haaaaaaaa - #31 by Nimhain
So 'Death Mark to all" will remain unchanged…

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Ah I see. You’re talking about the frequency of him using his spell not how frequently you’re seeing him in matches.

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Famine is really quite good. Probably, because he can be powered up by Mercy. Jinx is probably the only required trait on him.

He is, however, a bit of a slower control troop style of play. With how fast matches can still be won, I can understand him not making the cut.

Yeah, it feels like they went overly conservative on the mana costs which has made the Mythics underwhelming. I think just lowering the mana costs by a few would really ratchet up their power to where it should be so they feel Mythic.

After the death mark buff, in my first battle against a hero with Creeping Death, the enemy hero got a chance to cast, and then both of my troops that got marked died immediately. Ouch! Turns out I was very unlucky. Less than a 1% chance of that happening. But I ended up winning anyway. Made for an exciting match at least.

It’s pretty easy to counter creeping death as it’s only a single color and require plenty of mana and we have 2 troops ( Mercy and Astral Spirit ) that can entirely remove it’s color from the start.

No love for Tyri?


Nope, got too many maps already :slight_smile:


Arguably the best Mana denier in the game, Maps are just a bonus IMHO

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Agreed. I was trying out my own death mark team that didn’t turn out to be that great at denying the AI mana or turns.

And one of the highest base attack stats for an epic as well.

I ran a Creeping Death team quite a while ago, before the boost. Highly effective, even if Death Mark wasn’t. I can’t imagine how OP it would be now.

I’ve been playing more with a Creeping Death Sorcerer team lately. Death mark’s effectiveness is random, but I’ve had two death marked troops die at the same time on the first turn. This has happened several times. So yes, it can be OP at times. :smile_cat: