Dead Thread (15 characters)

Well there must be something they can do to make her a little more attractive? :wink:

Improve the hair style?


I must confess myself… Disappointed.

I wake up this morning to find no response from the devs at all… Not even a “we hear ya thanks”

Add to that the trolling of this thread by a couple of people for no reason and i start to ask myself “what’s the point?”

I am truly disappointed with this whole thimg and once again find myself lacking the motivation to even play really…

Its whatever… I am sure this thread will be flagged soon by a whole guild thus locking it up so… Whatever

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That’s because in the past you’ve railed against people that you thought wanted an easy win button, yet the irony of what you’re doing now seems to be lost on you…

She can’t have explode all plus an extra without having an associated major drawback. Her performance on defence proved this, removing all involvement of the player.


When exactly did i ever say i want an easy win button?

Because i dont like that yet ANOTHER troop got nerfed into the toilet? I dont see how that is relevant

All i heard the whole week until nerfgate was how hard it was to win against fizzy so please explain how she is an “easy win button”

Or on second thought… Dont. I dont care

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You purposefully acting dim here? You are the one that created this exact thread asking the devs to:

She was an easy win before the change, you’re wanting that to return.

She is still perfectly relevant in Goblin teams, just that she can now no longer consistently lock down the opponent.

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Almost all great exploders get a second turn nowadays, what with all the cascading. Some are better exploders than our Princess, too. Should we stat that exploders don’t get a second turn?

And, as Goblins go, should Nobends being forbidden a second turn but only when they explode? Nobends explode 21 (twentyone) gems. That’s exploding a board.

Take green away and Fizzbang cannot explode a thing. Freeze her and she cannot get a second turn. Silence her. It requires working on your team? Sure. Is that a problem? It shouldn’t be.

(I think that give her Stealth was/is stupid, to be clear. Take it off ASAP and I will praise you.)


Ill tell ya what @Drathas since i am “purposely dim” how about you (an endgamer i assume) use a goblin team with fizzy… In pvp. Let me know how it works out.

Once you have done that then maybe you will understand

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In fairness to Vangor, he’s against nerfs of any kind. Just usually the nerf is because the troop is too defensively annoying (Famine), not because it’s too OP on offense (Fizzbang).

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Thank you @Grundulum and only concession i’ll make is BD. I was in favor of a nerf for him but i feel he got nerfed too much

I think you’ll find the issue was with her on defence…

I am treating him fairly, he just doesn’t like it when he’s on the receiving end of others challenging his argument. *shrugs

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No i just dont like it when someone calls me “purposefully dim” and accuses me of wanting an “easy win button”

every nerf happens because people having issue on defense unfortunately. gard, dragon soul or gorgotha for example is considered fine because they doesn’t cause trouble on defense despite being very powerful.

She was the most broken troop ever released since I started to play. Big mana explosion, random skill boost AND an extra turn? She can never go back to this state.


I feel like a great solution has been given many times now already, including in this topic:

  • Explode + extra turn
  • Remove stat buff
  • Remove stealthy
  • Limit the amount to explode (one way or another, plenty of good ideas going around), or increase the mana cost of her to further avoid endless looping

Sure, I understand people stating how powerful explode + extra turn is, but right now this troop feels completely wrong. When I cast my Dragon Soul, I feel the rush of dishing out a lot of damage. If I cast my Ragnagord I feel the rush of the explosion, when I cast my Princess I… feel completely bummed out for a random armor boost on my fourth goblin that I really don’t care about…

Even Nobend Brothers feels tons better, because all three effects have significant impact.

It’s hard to even feel any joy when she does explode the board, for the numerous times she doesn’t.


@Ferumbras i agree with you 100% bit please can we keep the language family friendly so the devs dont disregard this thread and it doesnt get flagged into lockdown😎

@Vangor :kissing_smiling_eyes:, good overall discussion though. A panic nerf within 2-3 days isn’t something any game developer likes to do. And I do applaud them for at least trying to fix the situation as quickly as possible. A shame the way it turned out so far though.


Here is the problem with this assessment. She is no longer a strategic piece in the formula she is now another RNG piece. This takes the Human ability to plan out of the equation so players that like to strategize no longer see Fizz, ergo Goblins, as a viable option.
To extend the issue the AI tends to, especially given the fact of recall bias, achieve more explosions then buffs, leading the player base to further define the problem as you took Fizz away from US and left her the same for the AI.

Finally Nobend does have an explode but I do not believe that the % is evenly split 33/33/33. I know that my Nobends almost never explode. Dmg is noticeably dominant followed by Attack reduction.

Oh and one last thing: This argument that randomness fits the Goblins, while not necessarily untrue, is NOT the game mechanic theme that GoW originally gave to the Goblins. Their theme was extra turns. The only random Goblin was the Nobends and that was explained due to not knowing which brother would activate when you cast the spell, not because they were Goblins. They get an Extra Turn for being smelly and green. :wink:
All of this is more proof that making Fizz a random troop is the wrong choice, imho.


Explode 7 Green Gems, Gain an extra turn. Remove Stealthy, I’d call that job done.


Here’s the problem with this assessment, there was nothing strategic about how she played in a Goblin team.

Most teams I saw consisted of either one/two Fizzbangs + one/two Nobs + Grapple. That’s some deep strategy there just cycling exploders until the buff proc’d on magic and wiped the team.

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