Daily Troop Discussion!

Thats a good suggestion! :slight_smile:

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I think this tends not to scale well. It would be really overpowered at low levels but get progressively worse as player power increases, and worse yet in GW. AOE in any form would be much better than damage to one random.

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I am not for static tho.


I can only imagine the level of complaining that would result from a Borealis freeze-all-enemies meta!

We already have so many AoE dragons tho, I maybe feel he should deal greater damage to two random enemies or something.


Thatā€™s a fair point. What about random spread damage so it would at least start concentrating once 1 or 2 enemies died? I like the way Rowanne can be used to one-shot resurrected troops at the end of battles, for example.


yeah, that works too. hiha :ok_hand:


Perhaps he should do more damage depending on the number of frozen troops? Say an extra 5 damage per frozen troop?


Or double damage against frozen troops with his spell. Triple skull damage as he is currently, double damage as mentioned.


Perhaps keep the freeze all and random dmg spell as is, and add ā€œ25% chance to destroy the random enemy if Frozenā€. Think of it as the Frozen troop being so solidified that it shatters ala the T-1000 in Terminator 2.


Agree this one is under-powered. AoE damage and freeze all enemies would help.

Iā€™d rework the traits - itā€™s far too fragile to get the best out of that skull hit third trait. How about: Icy Grip: each turn deal 3 damage to any frozen enemies.

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In this case fragile is good. High risk high reward

I might be fine with the mana cost if freeze didnā€™t self cleanse.

16 mana is too high currently for 30 odd damage. There are a number of troops with lower costs that do considerably more, Khorvash for example.

Interesting replies on this one. If he did his damage to 2 random enemies I think that would be enough to make his spell more useful and justify the cost

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Itā€™s like theyā€™ve totally overcosted the effect of freezing all enemies.

This is probably a hangover from when there was a ton of hate here when freeze was first revealed.


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Needs A LOT of workā€¦ As it is imo it belongs on the collection gathering dustā€¦

I dont even know where to start


This troop has really annoyed me for a long timeā€¦

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I dont have him on mobile but wouldnt you know it is the only mythic i have on ps4


Wowā€¦ where to start? I really think that heā€™s the worst mythic, especially since Abynissia has proved to be so useful for guild wars. The problems with Stonehammer are numerous and obvious:

  • His mythic trait means he has to be used in first place, but then he blocks three colours.

  • Team burn is not very valuable to mid-to-end game players.

  • His spell often backfires and it costs too much mana. How does Stonehammer cost 24 when until recently Famine cost 22, and Draakulis costs 20? Itā€™s just a terrible spell that you hardly ever want to cast.

  • The nerf to Death Mark has severely reduced his usefulness, as itā€™s now much easier to arrange a cleanse in the ā€˜graceā€™ turn before death mark can take effect.

  • He has warded and thick head, yet Elemaugrim and Wulfgarok have impervious. If any mythic should have Impervious, itā€™s Stonehammer.

  • His attack is really low ā€“ annoying when you have to use him in first place.

  • Until King Highforge was released a couple of weeks ago, he worked terribly with other dwarves. Heā€™s better now, but even starting with half his mana he isnā€™t very good.

Gorgotha has been around for much longer and in almost every situation is a better choice of troop. The 5% difference in skull damage reduction is almost unperceivable and Gorgotha has self cleanse, plus is far cheaper and more reliable at filling other troops with mana. And, as an aside, Queen Aurora is a much better and more useful defensive mythic IMO.

I think his spell needs a complete re-work. He should either gain impervious or his spell should cleanse him. As a complete rework is unlikely, as a starter Iā€™d like to see his current spell at least give him 20 life AND attack and gain an extra turn after he casts.

And also maybe move 3 or 4 of his armour points onto attack.