Cursed Gnomes sometimes drop 0 Cursed Runes when killed during a GAP

Usually they drop 1 or 2 but sometimes they drop nothing. I realize rewards are nerfed during a GAP but 0? Really?

FYI they drop 13-15 when killed outside of a GAP.


I did 6 GaPs last night, not a single cursed gnome.

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I had the same situation, Cursed Gnome in GaP (with Luther’s tutorial message, so no mistake) and 0 Cursed Runes in inventory after GaP, but I assumed Cursed Gnome just dropped Vault Key instead of Cursed Runes?


I made the same assumption of it dropping a VK. I go too fast to see what the rewards are after each battle.

@Fleg I killed 2 Cursed Gnomes yesterday outside GAPs. The first one gave me 13 Cursed Runes, but the second one only gave me 10. I think the bottom of the range might be 10, not 13.

And I totally agree with your point about Cursed Gnomes during a GAP. I thought no troops were supposed to drop NOTHING. Shouldn’t the minimum reward be at least 1? @Kafka


The rate of cursed gnomes seems to be effectively 0. It should be on par with demon gnome or mecha gnome.


I’ve had a few cursed gnomes; would say that they’re more on par with the band gnomes’ appearance rate.

And yeah, cursed gnomes in GAP should not be dropping 0 runes. It was explicitly stated back when the GAP scaling nerf was introduced that gnomes can’t drop 0 resources so the minimum drop from a gnome would be 1 resource.

(That said, I’ve been running GAP at explore 6 with a Phoenicia team, to avoid the most punishing end of the speed/level scaling, and have mostly been seeing cursed gnomes dropping 4, 5, or 6 runes.)


I had “zero” cursed runes, but 1 vault key instead.

It’s possible I got a vk not 100% sure. I will pay more attention next time it happens.

Cursed Gnomes outside of a GAP seem to have a very low spawn rate. In approximately 500 non-GAP battles yesterday I only encountered 2. :sob:

During a Palooza… only a VK, no cursed runes? Is it supposed to work this way?

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I got 2 vault keys from them yesterday outside of GAP. IT was two in a row about 20 min apart. Rare AF then you get a vault key. Very disappointed in that nonsense.

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Cursed Gnomes are bugged how long we should farm until they spawn they boosted encounter chance My ass

Another Fib. In other words Fake News.

I may be remembering wrongly, but the devs had clearly mentioned that zero would never be a drop during a GaP even if we are just playing Explore 1.

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Starting today (Thursday) for one week, the appearance rate for Cursed gnome is gonna be higher.

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They either drop their scaled rewards (with the quantity never going below 1) or a vault key. So far all evidence suggests that nobody received 0 runes as a drop, they received a vault key instead. Gnomes have always worked like this.


Except in the case of band gnomes who can’t drop a vk because a vk would actually be a worse reward than a verse. Imo cursed gnomes should be the same way because arguably a vk is a worse reward than 10-15 cursed runes.


It’s a bit of a corner case. Personally, I rather get a vault key than 1 - 2 runes during GaP. And I’d rather get 10 - 15 runes than a vault key outside of GaP.

It feels like the core issue is that cursed gnomes are currently WAY too scarce. We currently have a vault weekend (triple gnome appearance rate) plus increased cursed gnome chance (probably also triple), and it still takes hundreds of battles for a cursed gnome to show up. When we are back to normal in a week they will be extinct for all practical purposes. If they had a remotely viable chance to show up then getting a vault key instead of runes wouldn’t really hurt.


In Explore… :roll_eyes: :face_with_monocle:

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