Council of Chiefs

On this, can we expect a certain buy-in level assuming no ravens lost to at least be semi-consistent one which reward level can be reached? You say the scoring methodology will change from week to week, and thats fine, but there is no way to make an informed decision on when to buy in to an event or how much if one week you need t6 or 7 from every single guild member to reach the final reward stage and another you need t3 or 4. You also say you won’t release the formula, and thats fine, but we at least need criteria at what we are supposed to be doing. This one, if we use all information available, our directive is “fight battles, higher battles are worth more (probably)” with no indication of how you are supposed to arrive at higher battles, especially when you are offered 3 of the same battle at some point with no discernible pattern. We especially can’t make informed decisions when theres no way to calculate, or even estimate, approximately how costly it will be to reach a reward stage until someone has already done it, and this information is then useless for future weeks. The guild wars formula was in fact divulged while leaving some of the variables up - we know what we are supposed to do there (heres the formula: Guild Wars, Point-Scoring for Battles, and You!, its also posted on the help site under guild wars), and its possible to work toward all of these criteria at the same time. And yeah, the scoring doesn’t change every week, and some of these variables were discovered in the first week, so everyone has a pretty good idea of how to score well. No comparison at all.

If how you play the event can result in such huge score variances at a given level of buy in, as far as to cross the gap over several shop teirs totaling over 1000 gems, the help article stating that they will “average out” is basically just inaccurate and should be changed to reflect that it matters greatly how you play the event.

For now, unless we are told explicitly otherwise, because of the experience we had with this week, we just kind of have to operate on the assumption that all these events are intended to have a t6-7 buy in from every member to reach the final reward stage, which basically means “don’t buy in to chase reward stages, it isn’t worth it”.