Then I remembered @XLS78’s meme.
glad that dracos didnt destroy her one turn before
you were kinda playing risky, but looks fun
Clearly rowanne is broken.
Next mythic/legendary should have the following ability to counter her:
Sacrifice and ally, summon BD, fill it full of mana and gain an extra turn.
That will show her!
i missed my 777th account level
So that happened and kinda reminded me that we still don’t have troops with “web all enemies” or “web a random enemy on 4/5 gem matches” trait. Maybe a mythic from Zhul’Kari in the future?
Stop cheating bro, isn’t PVP too easy as it is?
I do love that multiple attack bug. Odd how the rogue attack animation never deals actual damage, but can trigger the on-attack-hit traits…
I’m here wondering what would happen if old Maw involve in this instance, lol.
Also it think it was first time I saw my own troop did this attack animation related with Kraken trait bug. It’s usually enemy’s top troop who does that quick zip-zap attack animation. Like in the picture below:
Old Maw in this instance does exactly what you think it does: kills everything very quickly.
This is an example I saved. Do not be alarmed, it isn’t a thing anymore. Though I guess an action shot would be better.
300 mythics. {Your 300 movie quote here}
It’s hard to believe I only had 14 cards to mythic when I joined Unrepentant in late November 2016. The 300th mythic was a Crimson Bat we got from our 20th legendary task (on Tuesday!).
I give it 10 minutes before someone posts 320 mythics or something.
None Of The Above
As I suspected, there are other people in my guild with more than 300 mythics. It’s still an awesome milestone though. I expected 10 minutes, but it was a cool 5 minutes feeling special.
317 here, you were close.
Heh i also have exactly 300 mythics.