Console devs, lets talk tasks

Lately (2 months or so), I’ve been more afraid of the changes the developers make than excited.

To be fair it’s mostly the PC side, but Console players get affected too. Like Sheggra, players refused to learn to Mana deny and cried “overpowered” unil a Legendary is nerfed to the point that 90% of Rares and Commons are stronger

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“Tyri” i literally flash tyri against those who cry “this troop is overpowered please nerf” and i really hate that my favorite troop is thrown to the wayside because people ignore spell and how overly cheap it is. 8 mana to stop a troop from getting mana for possible the rest of the game.

Yup, you can some matches purely on Mana denial.

Hey hey look who is back from computer less limbo!

I’m still computer-less. Just on my PS4

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He’s still computerless. Just using a PS4 for the occasional appearances.

Edit: Ninja-ed by seconds.

@TaliaParks is spot on about the pc side of things. Poor old sheggas :disappointed:

Well, looks like I’m a Calvin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I fear what this game will become because it has already turned into DOTA. If you need i can explain why.

try this … this is overpowered:
(my opponent, god knows how i beat him… not talking about my own team wich is also pretty sexy i know)

The ai made so many ai mistakes i do not even know how it got that far. The first few minutes it skipped extra turns and skulls. That ai needs checked for errors.

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Yeah console ai is pretty easy compared to pc. Though just like the pc sometimes it becomes an OP ai.
Both need work MO

I have to agree but sirrian did give us the low down as to how it is supposed to think.



You put the wrong team up against that team.

Use Sheggra against Jarl, one miscast or breaking a combo for Skulls and you’d wipe them out.

Agreeing with storm completely. Tasks were the reason to abandon my mostly used team and used other team configuration :slight_smile:


I dont have sheggra and i always use that team cause its the most traited and well-synergised team i have that can wipe out a whole team in one cast after just using templar + alastair once.

Sorry but i dont consider rewards for actual gameplay abusing, i see sitting in an active guild where guildtasks bombard you with rewards alot more abusing but thats instead considered as a perfectly fine strategy.

Tasks are a great gameplay mechanism that you should build upon not nerf.

without tasks the game just dulls down into 'do pvp matches with your optimal team.

Like others have said many times before; its the diversifying ideas behind tasks that make the game more fun, if i get a task saying win a match with 4 troops from adana (wich i normally never use) thats quite fun to do. I want to do such things all day long if possible but wether its getting stuck with “win 5 revenges” or fly through a non resettable list of your “new task system” that means its over and done and i dont want to play anymore.

Do you want people to play this game or not play this game. :stuck_out_tongue:
The rewards arent even the point, give us one gold chest key for what i care for such tasks that keep being of that type and infinitely rotate.

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I agree with @wskill’s sentiment that calling doing Tasks repeatedly is “abusive”

Considering two Task slots can be, and usually ARE, locked, I believe it to be intentional.

Locking up the 4th slot was silly. If the developers really wanted to nerf resource accumulation, they should have locked slots 2 and THREE. They didn’t, the “abuse” continued, and now we all get punished.

Here’s proof you can do more than 2x damage with a single 5-match:

AI doing it

Me doing it

I guess playing the game a lot and doin tasks is “abuse”

Well I’m mot lookin forward to the patch I guess once it hits I’ll either play less or just do my 4 tasks then repeatedly invade…

seems kinda monotomous to just invade for hours on end… suppose would be better for my guild’s rank though.