Console 3.0.5 Known Issues


  1. I personally NEVER EVER play GW immediately after rest, after it happened to me a month ago (5 weeks ago?). I’ve been fine since.
  2. Please see my comment directly under the link you quoted #21.
    Won all 5 GW battles, all 5 counted as loss - #21 by Strat
  3. Also I “fixed” it by purposely loosing a battle.

EDIT: I’m pretty sure you know but for anyone else I play 99% on the X1. That’s were I had the issue, as has my Guild mates.

EDIT 2: In general I also “hard close” Gems on the X1. I do this every single day to get full credit for everything, and more importantly to refresh my daily tasks (I don’t know if it helps the problem were discussing or not)