Console 1.095 Bug Reporting Thread

Another weird code after i tried to donate to the guild

New troops do not show the NEW if you open multiple chests at once and get more than one copy of the new card. For instance, Gorgotha was one of only 6 troops I still needed, I opened 50 event chests, and got 2 copies. There was no NEW notification.

Not sure how to embed videos, and I know issues with Maw have previously been reported, but this was a particularly buggy/strange match that I had that I thought was worth recording and reporting:

Ferit is the featured troop in the Blighted Lands bundle in the store right now on Xbox Oneā€¦Pretty sure thatā€™s supposed to be IK :wink:

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Ok I know the Bone Dragon\Maw bug has been mentioned but havenā€™t seen anyone mention infernal king and sheggas with maw. Lost so many trophies cause of this bug. Seems to happen more then the BD bug.

So I assume this bug happens with maw and any skull spammer?

Also the bd maw bug seems restricted to the last troop while the ik-sheggas-maw bug can happen even when enemy has 3troops left.

@Mr.Strange will the next patch see these bugs fixed?

I can confirm making 30+ Skulls will crash the game about 25% of the time

Probably a ps4 problem cause i did several time almost full board of skull in x1 and it was fine

Same here, never had it crash due to too many skulls on XB1

Xbox here; never had that issue either. Have any Xbox players had it crash due to the number of skulls on screen?

Robert, I agree, that there is no game crashing at all on the X1. When matching 30+ Skulls the game gets super choppy, and every troop on the enemy team dies. Victory.

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Not sure if itā€™s intended or a bug but i had infernal king and he got killed and resurrected but he had no traits

Edit: also he is legendary and i was mythic with 3 traits on

I guess itā€™s like a summoner the summoned donā€™t get the traits but in this case itā€™s saying 30% chance to resurrect so i was expecting full traits and levels

Do you guys have the summoner buff yet?

We donā€™t have it yet but that shouldnā€™t count as a summon

Iā€™ve never seen my XB1 crash while matching skulls either. It was super laggy in an earlier version but the last 2 updates reduced skull-match lag to barely a rumble.

That being said, the XB1 has some apparent gameplay issues which donā€™t exist on the PS4. Iā€™m not able to change Hero Classes because ALL the unlocked Hero classes are active simultaneously. So here the Class mechanic has a bug severe enough to destroy its usefulness in team building, sadly.

On PS4, we can make full board of skulls without crashing. It crashes, at least for me, only with maw on the first slot. I think it happens because hunger trait triggers for more devours than troops left, causing the crash. I also had this occurs when i had devoured the last troop with a 3 skulls match, then an other 3 skulls match cascaded and game crashed.

About IK resurrecting, its the same here. He resurrects without traits. I think it is due to the fact that resurrect works as a summon. But then something goes against that, if you devours an IK with maw and he resurrects, you gain absolutely no stats. Did not try that with an other devour troop.

Giant spider tooltip says, summon a level 21 spider swarm, just a typo no big deal. But when it summons a level 15 appears. And btw mine is 19.

So, yes we are waiting the summons rework.

Task A
Error in number of wins
Text: Get 7 Wins in arenaā€¦
Yet you must get 8 to clear it.

Increase the reward or reduce the Wins back to 7.

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So i did invasion and no gems on the board
Game is not freezed only way to walkaround is to retreat and give opponent easy win