Concerns w/ 3.4 Pet Obtaining Abuse

300mil? wow thats a veiny epeen good sir!

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I don’t know why you’re being so contentious. If you are out hunting pets when your guild earns a new tier in an event, you will not receive that tier- even if you come back and claim later. That’s what I meant by “forfeiting rewards”. And, sure, you could say that in a perfect world everyone would wait until the whole guild is there before earning the next tier, but that’s asking a lot of the Rank 1s and 2s for constant re-invites, as well as throwing any stat tracking that people attempt to the wind. There’s a hell of a lot of opportunity cost in having constant pet-hunt run-amoks; it wouldn’t be as simple as you make it out, and rewards are going to be lost.

I understand the pressure to be an asshole to people who have trouble with simple game mechanics, really, I do, but these are currently unreleased mechanics that we’re all theorizing about. Maybe if you tried to foster discussion and asked for clarification when someone says something you don’t understand instead of assuming they’re wrong and insulting them, you’d be a- nah, nevermind, who am I kidding? You’re not going to accept criticism.


Yes you DO get those rewards. It doesn’t matter if you were there when someone ticks over that last tower or point of damage for zuul…

Based on the experiences of several of my midweek recruits, you do not. Otherwise, we’d cycle through all of our family’s lower guilds by inviting them, letting them claim, and having them leave.

Guess those guilds I joined, didn’t do sh…, and then collected tiers was just a bug then huh… actually that’s quite likely… oh well. It is what it is. In my experience I’ve been able to guild hop and get the highest rewards.

Getting close to 200k trophy :slight_smile:


i wonder how much gold ive made since the game came out…alas ive been in soo many guilds prob no way to find a total xD

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I can’t imagine any guild leader actively managing their guild in a way that encourages guild hopping to chase pets. It will completely screw up the guild stats that are critical for recruitment. Awryan’s “hyper active” approach that requires all members do 1000 PVP battles per day so that there is 24x7 pet rescue seems a more sensible approach for top guilds.


Still prefer “hyper active” since my folks are well compensated for their work.

“Hyper active” then … For me this is the real problem. There needs to be a global spawn rate for pet gnomes. This needs to be set it at a level that caters to the majority of guilds. This will allow top guilds with a large number of “3 PVP per min” end game players to hit 24x7 pet rescue.

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I think everyone is assuming they will see more pet gnomes than they think. Treasure gnomes have a 1:30 drop rate. Let’s say pet gnomes add to it. (I doubt you’ll be able to get both in a match.) That would lower the drop rate to 1:60. Plus you’re assuming it’s only in Ranked PvP. More often than not…PvP events apply to casual PvP as well as ranked. Most mid gamers to end gamers can easily farm casual PvP. Not to mention the pet gnome will be able to run away… Resetting the drop rate when it does.

I honestly think… Even being “hyper active”… We will be lucky to get one pet rescue event per day. Pet Gnomes are PvP compensation for treasure gnomes that clearly favor explore mode. A mode that has been useless to me for 7 months now.

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2nd edit: STUFF.

Edit: You know what, it doesn’t even matter. I think we all need to stop blindly speculating about all this until we actually have some official drop-rates, or experience, from which we can make some informed speculation.


Aw(r?), just when I was enjoying everyone’s pet project of being petty about pets, you have to get all petulant.


Labor conditions in my shop? I DON’T SWEAT 'EM!

3 pet per hour is improbable since the event last 1h :slight_smile:

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I can’t believe this is even a legitimate concern. I highly doubt top guilds will put up with constant guild hopping for the sake of pets, any guild in the middle or less won’t be active enough for guild hopping to even matter.


Yeah at this point, go buy a real dog or cat and give him real food :stuck_out_tongue:

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Except you can’t trigger more than one pet event a hour.
You’re arguing over my example of numbers? When did I say 20 second matches? That’s crazy talk…

If it really doesn’t matter. Then delete your comment. Or at the very least remove the parts where you say I said crap like 20 second matches.

Done. 10 sweatshops.

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How dare I use logic and reasoning on the forums.
Clearly I should instead use words that have “pet” in them. Regardless of if it accurately describes my tone or not. Easy killer… This isn’t a comPETition.