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Yes the AI can do it too. It’s not guaranteed to happen, works about half the time.

That was how my Giant Spider filled Bone Dragon. 1 Match.

@Mr.Strange should I still upload mine as well? Or just the one where it occurred without any mana generator?

Did the banner give any +blue? Any traits giving +blue? Looks like 3 troops with water link?

But knowing the banner would help.

3 Water Links and using Banner of Progress (Red/Yellow)

Expected 13 Mana, got 23

You should also sometimes get just 8 mana, since 5 matches don’t guarantee a mana surge, the way they do on PC/moblie.

That would explain why sometimes I feel like I under-mana-ed from some matches.

I have never seen a 5-match NOT Mana Surge, in fact I match 5s with the understanding I will get 10+ Mana and have never been disappointed.

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On PC/mobile, 3 matches MAY mana surge, 4 matches NEVER mana surge, and 5 matches ALWAYS mana surge.

On console, all matches have the regular chance to mana surge, based on your mastery level.

Any point getting Maw to mythic?

Seems to be too slow and RNG based for invade teams.

Yeah I make 5-match and sometimes no mana surge.

When mercy is released maw will become even more dangerous. Especially with that crazy mana surge

Any point getting maw without being able to trait him?

Ive been stockpiling keys and gems for other future troops. Are gem keys worth trying for maw with? Ive 50 i don’t mind getting rid of…

You’d have better luck with event chests.

And every troop is worth getting. Never know when you’d need it or can trait it.

Event Keys are the best bet, Gem Keys contain a MUCH larger pool of Troops.

When you pull a Legendary out of an Event chest, it’s a Maw or a Celestial Traitstone

I’ve always found this to be a bit weird.

3 MAY surge: Sure, that makes sense. That’s what masteries are for, after all.
5 ALWAYS surge: Sure, a nice bonus for matching 5.
4 NEVER surge? Why? Shouldn’t 4 at least be in the “MAY” bucket?

@Sirrian, @Nimhain

My experience on Console is 3s and 4s MAY and 5s ALWAYS Surge

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@TaliaParks mate would a high mastery level have anything to do with it??
Your mana surges are CRAZY compared to mine.

Ah ok, ill save my gems for later and havent enough glory to get event keys that way either… im just a simple peasant. Im sure ill unlock maw in the future sometime

Changing the 5 to MAY surge does a lot to curb the runaway power of gem transformers. Which is part of the reason they are less dominant on console.

Fair enough, that makes sense. Still the fact that 4 never surge seems off, to me.