City of Thieves is literal proof y'all have no idea what you're doing

What do you mean Cedric room? Cedric isn’t a legendary room that you need to go through, so how would that help you at all?

When you complete a treasure room in a delve, your troops get greedy (a buff) for the rest of the delve.

In this delve, it helps since your troops scale off gold

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Cedric room gives your troops moneybags trait which increases your gold capacity to 500. Kings spell is boosted by your gold
You take cedric as a side room before doing the legendary one

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All well and good, but it’s random whether the Cedric room will be available. Then you need to beat it and the last 2 rooms without getting unlucky. You may not even see the Cedric room for a number of delve attempts after that. Complete and utter trash pure faction delve. It’s almost as if it was specially designed to suck as many gems out of you as possible…


Yeah you need quite a bit of luck. I managed to pull it off with tier 7x4 anh hoard level 100. Same as tacet, even though his hoard is close to level 200. Most people i know beat the pure faction with ~tier 7x10
Gem sink indeed

I’m in no rush to complete factions, but understand and share some of the frustrations arising from a game mode being released without the devs testing (and beating) its max difficulty: one option to consider would be that, next time the faction gets a 24 hour event, I can start from whichever floor I’m currently at, instead of floor 20. That way I know there’s light at the eventual end of the tunnel, and my resources and effort put in this 3 day event won’t need to be duplicated next time the faction cycles in. (Event rewards may need to be adjusted, but I would gladly forego event rewards for the chance to get my faction done and never having to do it again :sweat_smile: )

Also hoping that you will allow the hero to be part of the pure faction team, which seems to be a simple and reasonable solution to this recurrent complaint.

Thanks @Kafka for keeping a smoke-free eye on this


This so much, give us the option to start at level 20 and go for the leaderboard, or begin on your current delve level and stay out of leaderboard.


Yeah I feel like they should just make the class associated with the faction viable to be used there at the very least. And make it so that the hero would be, for example, city of thieves / leonis empire. The faction troops are already written that way. This would at least help out a little with the factions that have classes associated with them already.


I’m only allowed to Like this once, so I am quoting it to emphasize how strongly I endorse this idea.


You need to start testing the game properly with real players just like other games on consoles. Plenty of games are being tested by real players on insider program on consoles and I am sure steam might have the same program. Nevertheless if not at least you getting different opinions that are not influenced by handful of players that feel toooooo grateful to test the game and that it effect their opinions at the end:+1:

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Pretty much this. I was just sitting there in the beta thread going “This isn’t enough this is awful this is bad why am I even here” and nothing happened. Nothing. Even if we see a huge amount of deeds in some as-yet-unknown context, the simple fact of the matter is that we’re not going to get enough stats out of the feature to actually enable us to kill off those lvl500 mirror matches.


Meanwhile, most of us needed 5-10 power potions to clear City of Thieves all Faction team at 500. That’s 35-70 Attack, Armor, Life, and Magic Folks.
So what does a kingdom level 15 save me? About 200 gems at best. For the cost of 700k+ gold and possibly any real life money if I feel like investing in this game again. Which right now is a huge frank no!

I managed to get 500 pure faction yesterday with @TheIdleOne team, I bought Tier VII 12 times and hoard level 148. And in the end I won only because I got a Cedric room. So yeah I dont even feel good about this victory it is just pure luck

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Can you SS the stat boost for that please.

To be fair that show that actually the title of the treadh is wrong, they know exactly what they are doing.

On ps4 lb beaten all records (11 mils the first day too, ended at 20 mils for first).

I am glad i managed to do it (many gave up, would like to post there psn comments about it but would be just a bunch of *'s ) but indeed was disgusted enough by the lamest delve made so far to not bother do full clears anymore with the remaining sigils.

Still, from devs pow am pretty sure that delve was a big success, anyway wanna see next lame one how it will be lb again (there will be 1 month in middle, many sugar coated streams and all, all this rage will be gone by then).

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Here it is

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I actually managed to do it at hoard level 100, Tier VII bought 6 times, it felt pretty lucky though. The grind to level 500 was an utterly horrible amount of work though, even for a weekend, I wish these events lasted the whole week to make them more viable.

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I got to 500 off Tier 7, 2 times. Had to buy 7, 5 more times to clear it with a hoard quality of 100.

I must agree with the overall sentiment that City of Thieves are one of the most ??? delves ever.
Delves in general seem like an attempt at ‘masterclass of poor design decisions’ and, so far, promised improvements also leave the same taste in mouth.

Was it @awryan who mentioned he’d like to see an actual attempt with faction team at level 500 delve during the dev-stream? I second that: it would be nice to have at least a notion of approximate intended hoard level for the feat on a daily sigil (which means - no get-go enchant, explosion, skull reduction, barrier and bless).
In principle, I don’t seriously mind raising hoard level past 100, however…

  • it soon becomes really expensive for ever diminishing returns;
  • we get too few shards to realistically do that
  • we get too few treasures to preform this task and
  • we surely get even fewer decent treasures to use.

About 8000 shards necessary to buy faction troops; while getting to level 500 (doing every room) I, more or less, earn those back. Then I need some safety cushion of several thousand shards for a rainy day.
Once I’ve got this secured, Tuesday event gives about a thousand, so shard income is 4000 a month.

Seems like an okay number, but then I take into account that opening chaos portals still gives faction troops (which I can’t use for hoard level) and stuff like Coin Purses (why do they even exist? They’re less than nothing at all!), Rings & Chalices in abundance (that can only be used in the very beginning), then a few Crowns, Lamps and Statues…in essence, most of those 4000 monthly shards go to waste.

If raising hoard levels was the intended method, currently I fail to see a feasible way to boost my hoard to, let’s say, 250-300; and we haven’t even started talking about level 500+ hoard on all delves.

(And atrocious luck-based victory conditions.)


Basically we heard for months that the Delves would be easier @Sirrian. What we got was a marginal improvement to a vastly flawed system. While each Faction released at the same time seems to be more difficult than their predecessors. It seems like balance is a difficult thing to figure out in regards to delves. So I have an easily solution. Keep the overall renown the same. But cap each delve at 400. So the max on each Faction can only be 2400. Those who have already went over that cap will be awarded that renown back into factions they don’t have capped out yet. And if they are all capped, then it’ll be prorated towards the next Faction released.
Pets will then be awarded 1 copy at 2100, enough to make it epic at 2200, Legendary at 2300, and Mythic at 2400. And for the love of God replace some of those ingots with enough food to make it level 15 at the very least.
(I already feel ran through the coals today after getting City of Thieves to 2500 today. And to make it even worse, I don’t have enough pet food to take my new Faction pet from 10 to level 20. I play this game way too much and get more free resources than any guild on PC/mobile at the very least… So if I don’t have enough pet food… How the heck does the other 99% of the game even have a chance at having enough?)
Otherwise, literally everything else about them can stay the same. Even your Tower of Doom Ultimate Boss Room caps at level 400. And doesn’t require the use of very niche team builds. So why make the Delves so much more difficult?