Cheaters in pvp playstation

I think you should watch the game in pvp mode, because for me there are cheaters. Making 20k points in less than 1 hour regularly is not credible. And the talismans are not unlimited.

No point in continuing to play if we don’t fight on equal terms

Running gaps while in blood frenzy with talisman equipped. Its very doable especially on the right colour


Yup I can get 10K VP in 15 minutes off a BF GaP. Plus last week of the Season people are prolly using Idols more. Tough to cheat on console anyway. 20K in an hour is just grinding.


Sorry but I don’t believe it and especially the idols and talismans are not unlimited. And when we see that it’s every week, there’s a problem.

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20k/h in blood frenzy + stella is default, with talismans you can double it, with gap you can triple it


I don’t know if you play on PlayStation, but we can’t do 20k/h with Stellarix even on Bloody/Frenzy. Or maybe there are really a lot of us who don’t know how to play.

So far it’s just you - everyone else here agrees the grind is more than possible.

This is your first time posting so maybe you’re newer to the game. There are a lot of players who can easily get 20K VP in an hour without talismans. My advice would be to join a guild that can help you grow!


I’m not new to the game and I’m in a top 10 guild and the max I do is 17k/h and still not all the time so sorry but I continue to think that there is cheating especially since only 3/4 players make these strange scores. And I checked over several days every hour the points made by dozens of players.

I’ve looked over the PlayStation PvP Leaderboards for the entire 11 week Season. You are wrong.

Feel free to do so yourself:

Also no one in your top 10 guild can break 20Kph? That’s surprising.

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think what you want, anyway I’m going to report suspicious players in the game and we’ll see. I just hope the devs take a look at it and we’ll see.

All good if clear facts can’t convince you dunno what will. Sorry you think players that are better than you are cheating.

You shouldn’t look at a week, but at a certain time of play, besides I’m not the only player to have noticed it. Afterwards no I don’t consider the best players as cheaters, but just those who do things that are not credible at certain times. And thank you but it’s okay I regularly finish in the top of the pvp so there is no story of jealousy

It does bring up a good point tho - is there anything in place to safeguard against someone who “inappropriately” reports a bunch of players?

Again 20K VP per hour is credible - there are vids of PlayStation players doing that speed with ease. If you’re in a top 10 guild and none of your guildmates can… that isn’t credible.

I don’t think you’re jealous - you think players that are better than you are cheating. If you truly get that it’s possible and you still report players then maybe I’m wrong and you are jealous.

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a player who makes 60k in 1 hour, 2 times a week and every week, do you find that credible? I don’t. and then he only makes 3/4k per hour the rest of the time to balance the number of fights and that it remains credible. seen with photo to support hour by hour

It’s all good I’m beginning to think you were trolling with this post anyway since you claim to be in a top 10 guild and do well at PvP yet think 20K per hour is cheating.

I’m not a troll, my name in the game is chastuba and I finished 3rd last week. and the players I suspect of cheating were behind me.So I’ll stop talking and see if the devs respond

My bad - I assume players that are higher level than me know at least as much about the game as I do if not more. There are exceptions to this rule of course.

Btw I just looked thru your Season - you’re a good player! Just cuz people might grind harder/better/faster/stronger doesn’t mean anything - if you need some teams to get you “up to speed” :laughing: we can help! Tho SF1 seems like a solid guild to assist as well.

I do almost exactly what you’re describing - i get my weekly pvp out of the way by getting 30-40k vps in 3 or 4 blood frenzy GaPs, victory talisman for every match.

Then barely play pvp the rest of the week because it’s boring. Bare minimum for gold marks and focus on other modes, bank victory talismans for next week.

Next time a purple or green region has a blood frenzy, just play a single GaP there and report back with your score and team.

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