Chat not working

The chat is on a different server

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As @Robert said chat is on a separate server. As to why it is going down in the first place, my theory is 2.1 resulted in two things: 1) a sharp increase in players seeking membership in larger guilds and 2) increased game chat amongst all players in guilds. This (in theory) has taxed the Chat servers much more heavily than they were pre-2.1

Thatā€™s just my theory though; I donā€™t have any data to back it up. :slight_smile:


I know that the game is straddling 2 servers until the end of the year, i did not know about chat being where it is now. Not a bad theory of the server being taxed, we see it getting taxed on mondays.

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Iā€™m assuming these two same exact things.

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Having that chat button everywhere canā€™t have been good for the servers.


Yeah, agreed. Being able to access it that easy must have drastically increased the number of calls to the chat server all by itself.

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chat is downā€¦

Chat appears to be down for me at the moment. Is anyone else having issues connecting to it?


Also down here.

Same. For about an hour now.

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I though the server shot me down from the chat becouse i am to much cool :smiley: but no look like there is a trouble with it.
Chat dont work neither here.

Chat is DOWN.
Means I can concentrate on PvP lol

For those missing chat:

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Chat still not working. And i blamed my phone for thatā€¦

hi Ami: viper here, i wonder how long chat is going to be down for today, it makes guild management rather frustrating not knowing what to concertate on. :confounded:

Yeah i know.
I made a facebook group for my guild and someone told me there that ā€œweā€ already completed 1 statue.
Iā€™m just glad i got to tell them to get all the keys statues done till Friday :smiley:

Looks like itā€™s been down 7 hours so far.

available again

Can confirm, itā€™s now working after I relogged.

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yup, works now (after app restart)