Chain Reaction

Originally published at: Chain Reaction – Gems of War

New Ultra-Rare Troop: Researcher The Researcher will be available this week for 300 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: Failed Experiments There are 6 battles that players can encounter during the event: Bombot, Clockwork Knight, Tankbot…

  • TINA-9000: 2 Gears and 2 Lenses
  • DRACOS 1337: 3 Gears and 1 Lens
  • Carnex: 2 Gears and 1 Lens
  • Tankbot 2000: 5 Gears
  • Clockwork Knight: 4 Gears
  • Bombot: 3 Gears

Fixed order of priority :smiley:


Why is Researcher’s 2nd trait more powerful than the 3rd trait? Makes no sense to me.


Clearly someone hasn’t done her research.


Can’t believe this was released with the traits in that order, its just silly. We’ve mentioned it a few times now … I suppose we’re also still going to get that mythic with the exact trait Worldbreaker has, except in slot one because its dumb??

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I got curious about the “-2” in the URL for this week’s event, so I did some minor hacking just to see what would come up:

2015 was a different era for Gems of War, for sure. I’m amazed by the inclusion of weekly trophy counts and the highest level leaderboards (with names I recognize already having hit the cap of Lv 1000, back when that was the limit). I still remember feeling fear when dhjl’s PVP team was drawn as my next opponent. Archon Statue, IIRC, and I lost more than a few times to that setup.


Those were the days :rofl:
Ooh look at me - top of the hero board :blush:


Here are the images to help you this week

World Event Summary:

Average Tier Buy in per member to close all rewards is Tier 3 (76 battles) Tier 2 may get 800 points on battle 75 depending on raven and battle order but Tier 3 guarantees 800 points

Reward Stages:

Battles and Scoring:


I’m only getting Clockwork Knight or Bombot matches - have had nothing higher after a load of games

How many is “a load”?


Thanks - that’ll explain it - I must have done 14 matches when I posted as the next tier have now appeared - thanks for explaining

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Why is the bombot battle black instead of white?


Good week for a LB tie, although looking unlikely on PC/Mobile already…

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Flashback to last week:

Anybody found The Emperor yet? I haven’t heard of any success stories the past week, is it really in the pool?


Average Tier Buy in per member to close all rewards is Tier 3 (76 battles) Tier 2 may get 800 points on battle 75 depending on raven and battle order but Tier 3 guarantees 800 points :pensive:


The real question is why the troop has these totally useless traits?!
She don’t get boost from armor, not armored in any way to tank, she got 2 totally useless traits. Feels like the designers don’t have any knowledge about game play and traits. Just thrown 3 traits on her which are familiar to Adana


Easiest answer: RNG Generator at its best! :grimacing:


The armor generation does make her somewhat useful in a Tesla team.

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From her spell? Sure. From her traits? As Tesla has a 4:1 boost it is highly negligible


Yeah, that’s fair. I’m just enjoying finally having an event troop that’s actually useful in the event :slight_smile:

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