**CARNIVORES **(1.1M gold-1500s) now recruiting(spots open)

CARNIVORES is now recruiting:

Status of guild
Rank: 34
level: 5,336
Guardians: LV-200
19 seals daily bonus
We hit 40k seals every week
We complete normal+epic tasks,and do legendary tasks
We complete all event guild tasks,receiving all rewards
We get a lot of pets evey week

Minimum requirments: 1.1M gold—1500 seals

GW:All battles daily,sentinels to level-2
Raid boss+invasion+tower of doom:play your free sigils

We use discord as our main communication app.If you have what it takes,then join our great family!

Join us now before next week,and enjoy all the goodies
Tell us what you can do

one spot just opened
clock is ticking,join us before reset

Hello, Sir.

I have interest on your guild, but my english isn’t very good.(Brazillian player). I can reach the requeriments every week. All my kingdom are 10 now.
Lv: 361

If don’t have any problem, My Invite is: ERCNARD.


a spot opened today,time to join the pack

Hi, I am level 111 and very active. I achieve rank 1 and contribute 1500 seals all the time.
Invite code: Seven7yTwo

Hi Im interested,
Level 191
hit 1500 weekly

still one spot open,pc/mobile not consoles
you have a few hours before reset

I sent a private message

few hours left before reset join now

Just want to give my highest recommendation to Carnivores!

Excellent guild with really great, friendly and helpful people, especially Alexander!

If you need a good guild this is the place to go!

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Join us before reset on monday,clock is ticking

the spot is yours if you want it

Code: SZEF

spot now open!

Hi there! Bump!

spot still available,join now

come on,GW start next week,join now,there is time

join before monday

I’m interested in joining.