Card redesign difficult for accessibility

Ah, so you’re already turning deaf. Sorry to hear that.

But you know that we knew from your first post here that you were an unsympathetic, ignorant, self centered individual, right?

We’re just messing with you.

No one actually cares about what you have to say.


I think you missed that that section 11 is not a US law. It is from the Gems of War TOS. I edited it to ease that simple misunderstanding. I hope it helps others not think I wasn’t applying the GoW terms of service. Thank you for helping me realize it wasn’t succinct enough.

You know I’ve never publicly complained about anything in this game for all the time the game has existed. Since you seem to not be addressing what is causing players pain in battles other than font size, I have developed an exercise so you can feel my pain. Make this image your monitors wallpaper then stare at it for 10 minutes while turning your head left and right.

I mean 10 minutes or till you throw up.


I hate being disabled
You are correct, as always. Bravo. Ignorance is bliss in your world. If you want to come into an accessibility thread to call disabled players haters then you, my friend, are a see you next Tuesday. I’ll take the ban.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Hello :slight_smile:

When this thread re-opens in a couple hours please remember to keep this place civil.

Your feedback is important to us!


This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

to little to late, already give up on the game. hope more do the same.
6+ years playing and the last updates: has way more negatives then positives, i just got tired.
more then a week now without login, felling great.
receive the email on updates and decided to post before i unsubscribe.

best regards to all the good player out there.
PS: stop supporting this game.


@Bramble I hope you banned those persons that was mocking us that have not the best eyesight. I know you are a Dev and not a Moderator, but having a Moderator that was a least little active during the day would prevent people having a launch at other for their disabilities.


All I would like to know is if something is being done about the color clashing and smaller print that make stats and statuses very difficult to see which causes me to squint and strain my eyes which in turn gives me headeaches… I already play Gems on night mode and the lowest aspect in the in game settings for xbox because the flashing is already tough on my eyes after playing for more than an hour so this change just amplified an already existing problem for me. Kafka mentioned things were being discussed for the next update. Does this mean next MAJOR update like a couple of months from now? Or are we talking one of the small ones we see occasionally? Because to be frank if we are talking months I will likely be seeing myself out. Thank you


@Bramble Here’s a quick idea that would improve the readability of spell pages massively, for how ridiculously easy it should be to implement:

Trait pages should be treated the same way. It’s okay to stripe these pages with the appropriate Mana colors if you want, but DO NOT do this as background behind whatever text the player is supposed to be reading!

Good readability mandates solid colors on solid colors.


On the topic of text colour and background colour, I suggest the Trait names need reworking too.
Unlocked trait names are medium dark grey (#4C4C4C) on a background of very dark grey-green (#212321).


This combo would fail any contrast test:
WebAIM: Contrast Checker


You mean “locked” traits, right? Unlocked traits are shown in white, and their diamond marker is filled in:

I’ll agree that the render color for the name of locked traits is a bad choice generally, but … they’re locked? And at least the trait Description passes its contrast check.

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Oh yes, sorry I meant locked traits.
The name still needs to be readable, even if the trait is not yet active.


The amanthrax faction looks awful because of the dots on the mushrooms.

On mobile, they’re nearly indistinguishable


Not better on a big screen either.

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WHen I looked at the screenshot I posted above, it’s like 1% better at most. lol but yeah.

That’s … actually kind of hilarious.


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Agreed. I was doing this on my phone for a while today and it was awful.


Too little Too late, already quit and uninstalled of all my consoles, tired of you people and your garbage updates without any regards for the needs and wants of your CUSTOMERS