@Ozball@Saltypatra Why can’t you put certain purchasable items into your “cart” on the PS4? For example I have a PlayStation code for 20% but it can only be applied for items in your “cart” for Gems of War there are only strangely 15 items that can be bought in this fashion and none of them are things I would want to buy and thus use my coupon for. What is going on with this?
For example I can’t buy any “offers” through the cart. Most of the “Subs” you can’t buy through the “Cart” (You can buy the daily gems but that is it?)
Unfortunately due to the nature of Free to Play games, a majority of the purchases cannot be found outside the game, and must be purchased via our in-game store. If these purchases were able to be added to a cart outside of the game, some of our purchases could be exploitable, especially anything which are limited to single purchases, subscriptions or anything on a timed basis. As we cannot control the cart from the store (which can at times allow quantities), we are unable to have them show up on the PlayStation Storefront or allowed to have editable quantities.
Apologies that you cannot group together purchases to make the most of your discount code.
@GoldPhoenix0 I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. Have you tried purchasing things from the PSN store and than in game for the PS4. You CAN buy multiple items and apply a code no problem see the attached screen shot for proof.
I could load up all 15 items available on the PSN store and apply the 20% across all of them if I so wished. The problem I have and the thing I don’t understand is why isn’t everything on the PSN store and also why are the 15 items that are on the PSN store that can have a code applied to them if bought through PSN not working the same way if bought in game. If I try buying any of the 3 items (or any of the 15 available) through the game there is no option to apply discount codes as the “cart” screen doesn’t even appear. This is simply “broken” and not working as intended IMO (I can’t believe anyone would argue otherwise). I’ll test this on another FTP game and I’m betting the 20% works just fine for in game purchases (for example Warframe which I know I’ve done so in the past).
I’ll confirm on Warframe through in-game purchase and reply back.
Just one more update too. I tried to buy more than 1 of any of the 15 items available and it not possible in the single order screen in any event. It might be possible to buy something once than buy it again but I don’t think so as things like the “Death Knight Armor pack” I have bought in the past now show up as “Not Available for Purchase” when I click on them
As mentioned above, there are some purchases that can be made through the PSN storefront, and those ones can be added to the cart like your screenshot above. Other purchases which can only be done in game unfortunately cannot be added to the cart like in the screenshot above, due to the nature of the purchases.
Some other free-to-play games like Warframe have their premium currency purchases made through the storefront. I haven’t personally seen if there are any other purchases in-game which are not available on the PS4 storefront, but I would assume that they would have a similar issue to what you are seeing above.
So I just checked with Warframe and you can buy things through the PSN Store and apply the codes when you try to buy “premium” items in the game it launches the PSN store so you can than buy them and also apply the codes so no matter which way you buy it in that FTP game you can apply the code. The game has most of it’s purchases in an in-game currency called Platinum that can be bought through the PSN store and have the discount codes applied.
My understanding from what I’ve read on this is that Playstation (Sony) makes up the difference for these % codes (pays the dev’s for the discount that the code covered) so why on earth wouldn’t Gems of War take advantage of these like Warframe and other FTP games? This is easy money you guys are missing out on imo.
Anyway its very frustrating that Gems seems to have missed another ‘boat’ that others are sailing fine on the PS4