Can't find Spring Imp


I tried everything to get a Spring Imp in the last 2 Month, but i did not got a single one.

I did spend all My Gem-keys and almost all my other keys, beside event.
compared to this: Seasonal Imp Schedule the imp will be gone soon.

Question is do i now try to get it with my last guide-seals i can get today, which looks really unprommesing.

You’ll need to open around 10k gem chests to have a reasonable chance at finding one specific legendary troop. Save yourself the trouble, check the forge each week, Spring Imp will eventually show up for crafting, at 800 diamonds.

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really? the only imps i see in the forge notes are the love and the spooky. they were in june 2022, july 2022, dez 2022 and febraury 2023 (two times each) but never the summer/fall/winter/spring imp

You can check the forge troop rotation history here:

Spring Imp was last available in August 2022. It hasn’t seen in the current cycle yet, so it should actually show up soon.

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