Can someone confirm Gard's Avatar in event chest this week?

Technically not impossible. I’m guessing the Event Chests work on two rolls, first Event or non Event troop. Afterwards it does a second roll to figure out the rarity of the troop rolled. So technically getting a non-kingdom Mythic from Event chests is even rarer than an Event one…

I doubt the highest rarity of troops on the other roll, is higher than epic…

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I’ve never even seen a non-event kingdom legendary drop from an event key. So, why would a non-event mythic troop?

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It’s another :lady_beetle::ant::spider::scorpion:

I’m sure I have… I’ll have my screenshot finger ready when the next kingdom is out.

Does it take getting Gard’s Avatar to get to 8 stars for the Kindgom?

Yes, you need 14 troops minimum to be able to get the 8th star. It’s only 150 gold per day though, so really not missing much yet.


Evidence suggests otherwise. Every time I have recorded results from Event chests, the pool of possible ultra-rares and epics that are not from the kingdom is also relatively small and also weighted against. During Silverglade mass event key opening, for example (about 500 keys), the only ultra-rares I obtained aside from those in the kingdom were Druids, Treants, and Yeti (dozens of them), and the only other epics were Rowanne, Tassarion, and Scarlett (a few each). I also observed this during Suncrest, and to limited degrees during legendary releases - never more than a few different types of ultra-rares and epics in the event key pool (in the case of Suncrest, I lucked out and got no non kingdom epics, though). It has also been stated by the devs that mythics from event keys, like legendaries, will only be from the current event kingdom.

It is possible Drakkulis got slipped into the pool by mistake (in which case, that is definitely support ticket worthy), but the simplest explanation is more likely that the person who got the drop was simply mistaken about the source or the person relaying the information was mistaken about the claim.


Finally found Gard… a total of about 1500 event keys.


Congrats. He’s worth getting though 1500 event keys is a lot

I can agree but I remember that event keys that offer mythics were tested by the devs maybe they added all mythics during their testing June 5th is opportunity to get Draakulis for Ghulvania Event see if anyone gets other mythics