Campaign Ending: Mydnight Countdown

Originally published at: Campaign Ending: Mydnight Countdown – Gems of War

Campaign Ending Soon The final week of the Campaign is upon us! This is your last chance to earn rewards from the Campaign, or purchase an Elite Pass to earn some of the following rewards. Khronos Once the campaign ends, you will need to wait 3-4 weeks to try and find him in chests. The…

Can you please provide an actual ETA date for release? The posting makes it look like the troop will be available by the end of January but that has never been the case in prior campaigns. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a welcome change if it factual. It used to be 3-4 months that would result in the actual release of 6 months later.


EDIT: incorrect info, ignore :slight_smile:

Yep, that 3-4 weeks thing is the standard for glory troops not season mythics; think it’s just an error in reporting. Doubt they’d bring it forward like that as it disincentivizes purchasing.

Once the campaign ends, you will need to wait 3-4 weeks, followed by 2-3 weeks of continued reporting of its absence before being acknowledged, followed by 1-2 more weeks until it is actually added.


That’s exactly what’s going to happen because it, u know, happens EVERY.SINGLE.TIME…ROFL…:rofl:

All of them are supposed to be available after 3-4 weeks, that’s been officially confirmed several times in the past. The issue really is that glory troops get added automatically, the other troops manually. Which works out once every blue moon, whoever is responsible for that manual effort usually needs several weeks of constant prodding to eventually get the job done.