Campaign Begins: The Primeval Tome

New Campaign Begins

A brand new Campaign begins today. Answer the call for help from Mydnight, and investigate who or what has slip from another realm to Krystara.

New Heroic Gem: Entangle Gem

During this Campaign, we have a new Heroic Gem that players may encounter in puzzle battles – the Entangle Gem.


Entangle Gems are Green Gems that when destroyed, will Entangle a random Enemy.

Entangle Gems will occasionally (but rarely) drop like regular Gems during The Primeval Tome Campaign. Some Troops and Weapons will also be able to create them.

Once the Campaign is over, they will no longer fall randomly, though the Troops and Weapons that create them, will continue to function.

Artifact: The Primeval Tome

During this Campaign, players can earn Stars to level this Campaign’s Artifact – The Primeval Tome. Each new level will expand the story of the Campaign and also give Skill Point bonuses to all battles (including PvP and Guild Wars).

(These bonuses will only apply during the Campaign and are lost when the Campaign ends).

Elite Pass Rewards Sneak Peek

We have a sneak peek at a few of the rewards that will be available from the Elite Pass reward track.

When the campaign ends, players can still earn unique rewards in the following ways:

  • Archdruid Blackwood – He will start appearing in chests 3-4 weeks after the Campaign ends.
  • Blackwood’s Staff – This weapon will be craftable from the Soulforge the next time during their Kingdom’s event after the Campaign ends.
  • Portraits, Emojis and Titles – Like Social Collectibles from Events, these will become available to purchase from Gems about 3 months after the Campaign ends.
  • Blackbark – As this pet is cosmetic, it will only be available during special Pet Rescues after the Campaign ends.

New Tarot Card: The Hierophant

The Tarot card for this Campaign will be The Hierophant.

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Am I imagining things or does this particular campaign seem very barebones in rewards earned?

Could just be my imagination though.

I almost didnt even see the new weapon in the reward track because of the paid side gold border taking attention away from the thing its highlighting…

Maybe I’m just used to some of the other campaigns having 2-3 weapons or extra troops or something…


I keep asking for reasons to purchase campaign passes. Classic reverse psychology strategy here. Shrinkflation has finally hit Gems of War.

  • Blackbark – As this pet is cosmetic, it will only be available during special Pet Rescues after the Campaign ends.

This is a lie. We have NEVER gotten the opportunity to get exclusive campaign pets ever without money offers. Edit your automated post so that you stop spreading misinformation.

And yeah, we can tell that you guys are running out of ideas with campaigns. The entangle gem was first introduced with the bounty troop, Treekin, and it seems like they are late in trying to properly introduce it to the game.

I have also stopped buying campaign passes because the 3 extra deed books can be made up with gold marks and the tarot card can eventually be gotten with vault keys. The campaign mythic this time is decent (reminds me of the scourage of honor), but I will just wait it out as even in mystic restrictions, I will just use queen beetrix.


@Darkborne I dont have the last two campaigns payed!! :+1:

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Well said, Diamond.:+1:

The more people that don’t pay for passes and other money-locked content, the better. The devs need to realize that we are people who need to get treated with respect and not just some ATMs.


Glad to see the Mythic will be somewhat useful, at least in modes with restrictions!

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Why does the weapon that is specifically this mythic’s do normal and not true damage?
Mixing damage types doesn’t make sense.

Not that we would likely use it anyway, but why do these things so seldom match?

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Why don’t you answer the call so you can craft specific dragons? We’ve been asking long enough

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@Darkborne I won’t invest a cent more in this game in the future, I have VIP level 8 and have sacrificed enough time and money for Gems of War!!! And I didn’t buy the season pass either, so it’s not worth it to me.

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