Campaign 7 Guide (Week 10, 2021-12-27)

I seem to recall it’s been reported several times in the past and received all the radio silence this game is famous for. I guess asking about it again won’t help, apparently we are currently getting punished with that total communication blackout Kafka threatened the community with a few weeks ago, for whatever reason. Maybe we didn’t praise the Cursed Gnome event enough.


Kafka said if people criticised them they would stop talking. People criticised that comment. Haven’t heard from them since

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Not really professional is it though? This is a Forum, with some paying customers who have a right to post and require a response.

Kafka may not like some of the replies etc, but communication is needed.


Yep, no argument from me on that

Campaign 7 Week 10: Dragon’s Claw

Team Code used: [1157,6629,6767,6236,3019,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,14014].

Cheers, Gary.


Anyone found Tihamata in Dragon’s Claw explore?

you can easily find it in the world event By Fire and Magic.

When you reach the mythic battle, you can restart your game and it rerolls the fight. You should be able to find it within a few restarts (unless it’s not appearing for some reason).

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I did that maybe 10 times. No Tihamata

Campaign 7 Week 10 Strategy

Make sure to hang on to a Vault Key (B5), 2 Event Keys (B7) and 25 Glory Keys (B8). You can use the Adventure Board freely, but it’s probably best for S4. You’ll probably end up rerolling the Delve task (S3).

  1. Whenever you can, use the Dragonguard class, for 22 wins (G1). Start by winning 3 Dungeon battles (B1), while also starting on matching 4+ Gems 75 times (S1).

  2. Craft 1 Red Summoning Stone (B2).

  3. Explore Dragon’s Claw once at D10+ (B3).

  4. When ready, switch to the Dragon Banner (RYn) for 15 wins (S2).

  5. Kill Tihamata once (B4) in the World Event (she appears every 5th battle).

  6. Use a Vault Key to kill 1 Treasure Gnome (B5).

  7. Get 9 Dragon kills (B6). Either start your weekly Ranked PvP, or keep Exploring Dragon’s Claw.

  8. Open 2 Event Chests (B7).

  9. Open 25 Glory Chests (B8).

  10. Earn 200 Gold in battle (B9). At this stage, I would switch to Ranked PvP.

  11. Get 13 Red kills (B10).

  12. Complete 3 Delves at Level 110+ (S3). If you don’t have a suitable Delve, I would reroll. The Faction Event doesn’t much help at this level.

  13. Use a Jewellery weapon for 22 wins (G2).

  14. Use a Dragon’s Claw team for 15 wins (S4). Finally, do your Adventure Board, followed by the World Event or fast Explore.

To help out other players, set your PvP defence to pretty much any red dragons. Fell Dragon Eggs work okay, despite their potential to summon: [6892,6892,6892,6892,3011]