Burning Chests: Remove or x10 Silver Marks

It does not feel good getting only 50 silver marks on a rare Burning Chest pull. Especially back to back to back pulls. Please remove them or make the pull valuable enough to almost get a pet.


Getting any number of silver marks would still be a punishment, as they are farmable.


And there’s currently a very low limit on how many you’d ever want to farm. Once you’ve bought one copy of each silver pet, they start piling up like treasure maps.


And that’s the point. Put them in the drop pool with a higher rate than other items so you get them more often all in hopes that you spend real money on buying the packs in the shops to get more burning marks to keep giving the gacha wheel a spin.

And it will just get worse as the seasons continue and more immortals gets added to the drop pool. Silver marks drop percentage won’t change but everything else will decrease in chance.


I made a post about that a little while ago, so if you see yours go, they like to merge threads.

Silver marks are terrible, but anything but immortal souls feels like a punishment to me personally. :sweat_smile:


Right, in a perfect world we would get only immortal souls.

There’s one thing I’m curious about. Let’s imagine some lucky whale would max an immortal. What would happen to this immortal’s souls?

From the 8.0 Patch Notes:

  • At Level 30 Immortals unlock their Awakened Traits, which are more powerful versions of their Traits.
  • Once fully levelled, any excess Immortal Souls will be automatically converted into Burning Marks, as 1 Burning Mark for every 5 excess Immortal Souls.

Direct copy-paste from Diablo Immortal. And that is scammiest game there is. Devs directly copying Diablo Immortal was to be expected in the end, I guess. I get they want more and more money, but this is getting disgusting.


Yhey need to REMOVE silver marks from burning chests…there’s only a certain amount of burning marks per season…I just opened 8 chests…FOUR of them were silver marks…yet again the devs are intentionally screwing the players.


Remove the VP statues while you’re at it. Only the gold ones are decent. Silver and Bronze are a slap in the face. I opened 10 chests yesterday. 5x silver marks, 1x gold marks, 4x bronze idols. It’s a complete joke. I have exhausted pretty much all my burning mark chests for the season except for 5 and have not gotten any Glaycia souls, not once.


my vote is remove. but ok x10… well no but its better than this ish

I’m okay with them needing to earn money, they just have to be smarter about it. They need to figure out how to give actual value for the money without it feeling predatory. It’s a fine line to walk, but right now I’d argue they’re very much on the wrong side of it. My goodwill toward this game has definitely been fading.


Once again, if they just halved all the rewards, and gave a guaranteed immortal soul reward, PLUS a guaranteed reward from the other options, in EVERY chest, everyone would have been happy (as far as drops go, anyway).
Every chest gives immortal souls, which is the main thing we want from the chests. And every chest gives another reward, which could be gold marks, that most players really want, or a lesser reward like silver marks or VP, which would be less desired but players wouldn’t mind because they’re already getting the gold marks they want.

I don’t mind the devs wanting to push players to buy more chests (as long as they keep giving some for free), but when half the chests feel worthless, players won’t want to open them, let alone pay to do so.


even if x10, I don’t want neither vp icons neither silver marks


2 more chests today…both 50 SMs. What a bunch of bs. I only have one more chest reward this season and I’m still missing 3 Immortal troops. Good luck ever getting me to buy the passes for this crap.


I find it insulting when these very limited Burning chests drop currency that is easily-enough farmed for free. Silver marks are virtually unlimited so long as a player puts in the time and effort and chases the bonus areas. VP (by way of Icons) is very much the same. Neither should be a (relatively) common reward from something that comes in very limited quantities and cannot be farmed by players who aren’t spending real money.

My last six Burning Chests have featured two Bronze Icons (meh), one pile of Gold Marks (okay-ish), and three piles of Silver Marks (blech). So I understand the complaints and I’m starting to sympathize with them now that it’s happening to me.

I’ve got ten of the Immortals so far from what I’ve opened this season – although not the one I would have appeciated having two weeks ago during the last Journey event – but I’m also near the end of the line when it comes to this season’s Burning Chests. Some of which will remain out of my reach because I won’t devote the necessary hundreds of hours to farm disgustlingly huge amounts of VP.


Thank you for posting this. I nearly bought the packs on a couple of occasions, seeing this has put a definite nail in the coffin for that :+1:


If they remove Silver Marks it will only be a bigger chance to get the next most useless thing.Still better yes. I can’t remember last time I got a troop.

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This should be a pinned comment.

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I’ll raise you this one…

But hey, at least one was completely new. :roll_eyes:

How would this make anyone want to spend money on the packs? Same mechanism as people who are gambling addicts?

I fortunately didn’t buy a pack, but I’m still disgusted - and even more so on behalf of those like you who spent money on packs and get crap like this.