Buffs to legendary troops

You implied it by saying “you people” which removes you from the group, meaning that you implied that you did. This makes you sound condescending in chat where you have to be careful what you write or else you come off a different way than you intended.


I think it’s pretty clear by now that I don’t care how I am perceived. I say what comes to mind, controversial or applauded.

Either way this is off topic, now for buffs to legendaries, was the legendary trait not good enough? Then again i look at goblin king and think yep he needs a buff.

I second this! I would love to know what @Lyya 's idyllic mind has for us.:relaxed:

(Can’t tell if sarcasm…)

@Jainus, you’ve put a lot of thought into this, and generally I agree with the spirit of most of these changes. Of course, the exact numbers would need to be playtested, but the playstyle changes sound promising.

A few direct points of feedback follow (mobile again, and quoting replies is a major pain :P).

The extra turn feels like too much to me. I think the +Life would be a good insulation against a bad drop, but Abhorath shouldn’t be a “sure thing” since he has the potential to grow very deadly very fast. I agree with the other changes.

Are those 50% chances either/or, or independent rolls? I’m not sure skull spawning is actually a buff (in those numbers) as Black Beast often hands a loaded board over.

I really like this one. I feel like Gloom Leaf should be a thorny tank. Right now he’s just thorny.

What about boosting souls gained by number of converted gems instead?

I don’t like summon-on-ally-death as a mechanic. How about: “At the start of my turn, convert two random gems to skulls?”

I think this could quickly get out of hand. Maybe: “At the start of my turn, if there are 8 or more red gems on the board, gain 3 mana?” (Tweaking numbers as appropriate)

would be nice to see some of the bottom tier legendaries buffed… not sure about the actual changes though… and KoS’s spell doesn’t need a buff…

I’d like to see behemoth’s damage be boosted by his healh so he gets stronger as he gain hp so the opposite of Hydra.

These are both really nifty ideas.

Really like reading all the ideas and feeling the love for the legendary troops you guys want to get buffed even though some of these ideas would probably make for absurdly powerful troops, but that is still preferable to them being too weak to be used at all, so keep it up!

Just one thing, please for all that is holy don’t get The Silent One buffed.
I don’t care if he is too weak, balanced, or whatever, he is annoyance incarnate, a terrible troop concept.
I’d rather have a Maw devour one of my troops while my whole team is frozen, than a The Silent One getting off his spell. Nothing sucks the fun out of the game anymore than pushing around gems without it actually doing anything for several turns.
No, i don’t need lectures on how to counter him, i don’t think he is too powerful, he is just a fun killing machine, the whole concept of a mass silence is terrible for this game, so i am happy with him being underused as he currently is and would like it to stay that way. Thanks.


Just had a mental picture of someone having Infernal King’s immortal fire 4 times in a row… nom nom nom

Completely agreed. This slows down the game so much it is dead boring. Or let silence make us unable to cast but still accumulate mana.

Lots of good ideas and I completely agree with the concept of creating more troop variety, but indeed it would be nice to have an official weekly “Buff this troop suggestion” thread. Would make things a bit easier to follow

Which sounds like a good idea when thinking of The Silent One but the problem with silence, IN GENERAL, is that it’s too weak. Silence doesn’t last very long; it usually falls off in 2-3 turns, something like that? All you get from it, offensively speaking, is a short breather. Letting troops continue to gain mana while silenced would make a weak condition even weaker.

I’m not surprised that Silence hasn’t become a really common trait/ability though. The above posters are right; it’s super frustrating to experience, even though it’s pretty much never worth USING.


The other 2 troops using silence is more an added bonus to the dmg they do, so not sure it is a big deal. But I am ok with the status quo and leaving silent one as it is now.

I once got into an arena match where it got down to like, my last card and a pride hunter & the pride hunter was almost dead… but it just blasted me over and over again until I died & I thought, “Wow, under the right conditions, that spell is a killer.”

So far this week, I’ve been playing with an Orion team on offense (Orion, Bone Dragon, Emperina, Sunweaver) and the results have been surprisingly strong, even against the top defenses. True Shot and Hunter’s Mark are a potent combo. If I was going to change anything about him, it would be to slightly lower his spell cost to get Hunter’s Mark up a bit more quickly.

I live my KoS team and it’s consistent. But I feel the only thing he needs is a change to his second trait, right now it offers only 12 life, since the 4th kill ends he match. A troop with big will add far more life than that over a game.

I like the spirit of the trait but maybe increase from 4 to 8 or change to gain life equal to skulls matched at rate of 4:1???

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