
We’re has GPH

Gone from the top right of screen.

I can’t find it anywhere.

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It’s not there anymore in the new interface. There’s a whole thread about interface feedback you can post in.

There’s the answer.

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Oh, the irony!

That is not a question. But people were nice enough to guess what you meant and to give you an answer.

You did not understand the answer but that’s not the fault of anyone but yourself.

No need to be disrespectful, especially implying that someone has bad English skills on an international forum when your English is atrocious.

They removed GPH but if you click on a kingdom and then on kingdom info you can see “gold per day from all kingdoms”. Divide that number by 24.

Wanting to have the information easily accessible as it was before should go into the feedback thread. They have that for a reason, and they won’t see your feedback here.


Good luck trying to get them to reply.

You can see it for yourself that it’s not there anymore. And like you, I couldn’t find it either.

It’s a weird decision, just like having souls on the main screen but not glory. Or making the “Path” icon gigantic.

That’s why we’re giving feedback in hopes they’ll change some things.

With this reduction of what resources have been displayed (“We have reduced the resources displayed”), Gold per hour has been removed.
As others have mentioned if you have any further feedback, please share it in the 7.2 UI Feedback thread (I have added it to our existing feedback report already as well):sparkles: 7.2 Update: UI Feedback - #42 by NerdieBirdie

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Yes glory has been moved to another place in game though.

So we’re has GPH been moved to in-game.

Why is this so hard to reply to.

Just say you’ve removed it, cos you think it’s not needed.

So obviously wasn’t needed for the last ten years either.

Just put it somewhere else , like you have the glory .

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Yeah, but that is the best answer to what you’ve asked that you’re going to get for now.

I guess you meant to ask “did you move gph or did you remove it”?

But you can see it with your own eyes that it is gone from the map, and us answering you that it’s indeed gone is just confirming that yes, it’s gone.

Yes, they intended to remove it. They did not tell us every single detail but told us clearly that they have removed things from the screen and only left 3 resources there by design. It’s in Sirrian’s video.

Like I said, weird decision.

They also removed the bonus mana from the pause menu. Also weird and by far worse.

All I can say is that they have gone totally out of touch with their players. They don’t know what info we’re actually looking for, what we want and need to see in the game.

The divide by 24 thing is a workaround in case you want to know your number. It doesn’t need buying new hardware - plus said hardware isn’t portable.

I know what you’re saying but unlike “get a PC” or “get your eyes lasered”, the “do a little math” solution is at least doable.

If you want to have that option back, put it in the feedback thread. Make a request to return it or place it somewhere easily accessible. That’s my advice. And don’t expect too much from them. They don’t often revise their decisions.

Closing this thread before it gets to be unconstructive.

Any further feedback can be shared in the thread I have linked.

PS. We are adding the bonus mana back into the pause menu in a future update, think that was one I passed on recently!