Book of deeds please

Souls can be farmed, rather easily and in healthy quantities. Some of the most active players are probably sitting on amounts that dwarf my pitiful stash (~12 million or so).

There’s no way the Powers That Be would ever permit that sort of resource to be converted into something really valuable/useful. And they probably wouldn’t even if it wasn’t the point of games like this to constantly introduce new resources to oblige players to play the new stuff and not allow them to overwhelm new(er) players through accumulation unless they’re paying real money to do so, and lots of it.


Just want to bump this thread again. Has therebeen any news of more ways to get books?


I sorta came to terms with that my max kingdom power level is 26 and impossible to go above. You just have to find peace with it :slight_smile:


It’s certainly a very, very slow grind, especially for those of us who are F2P. I’m now up to six kingdoms at Level 18, but I’ve got roughly three times that number blocked by a lack of Deeds (plus a couple more with an open task for Level 20).

@Ash3nShad3 : The only change of significance in the past several months is the paradigm change for weekly events. Because Journey events are now much more frequent, those players in very active guilds can expect a few additional Books of Deeds from event rewards within a given time frame. The advent of the Underspire can also help, at least if one of the issues was a lack of Imperial Deeds.

Like @Tibo , I’ve reached a feeling of “acceptance” when it comes to the lack of Deeds and that remaining the impediment for my progress. I wish it weren’t so, but I’m not going to play so extensively and exhaustively chasing Merchants and Angels to make up for that. If I can get 5-6 Deeds on a given day from any/all sources, that’s enough to make me happy; if I don’t get that number, “it is what it is” and I don’t sweat it anymore.

Unless the developers decide to cap Kingdom Power Levels at 30 (stars), we’ll probably get some sort of direction on the subject in the not-too-distant future. Because we’re reaching a point when kingdoms will probably start exceeding that number even with the process slowing down to some extent on account of new kingdom releases broadening the cycle.

And if/when kingdoms can go beyond 30 (stars), we’ll see what the requirements are for that to happen and get an idea of what resources might be necessary to facilitate that. And if those resources include an even greater volume of Deeds than is presently necessary to get to 20, the supply of those resources will have to be adjusted to make that possible.

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Libraries - needs 50 books to craft one.

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The was already a “Shelf of Imperial Deeds” in the data files several years ago, apparently requires 50 Imperial Deeds to craft.

Perhaps 50 books for a bookshelf? Then 50 bookshelves for a library?
Maybe then we may finally get a Librarian Gnome that provides deeds when defeated.


Oh hell no that will be my final departure for good.

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Oh of course, too few steps. My bad. :rofl:


Yip you left out the tokens that make up the spines…


So, what? We would have power level 50 kingdoms?

And to top that off, we would have world event, guild wars, journey, raid boss, invasion, bounty, new faction assault, AND vault weekend every week.

Better have the paramedics on standby!:rofl:

Well this is more of a collector’s type game rather than some action-fighting game, and Kingdom Level 20 and the corresponding Power Level 30 already exist, so it becomes frustrating when you made good progress throughout the game and then suddenly reach a level where any further progress is practically impossible.

Even with the new merchant system - say I spend 150 gems each day and get 3 deeds if I am lucky (and spend the money to get the gems)- and maybe manage to craft one new book every month - each of the 37 Kingdoms needs 30 books - that is 1110 books - so at the rate of one book per month that would be 92 years of play to get the KIngdoms all leveled to Level 20.

Not to mention the Imperial Deeds required.

Compared to the time it took to get them to Level 15 - what does it take the average player? 2 Years…

So the Level 20 requirements were set completely unrealistically and in my opinion the strategy is to burn out older players and let them leave on purpose.


That makes sense. It’s just that my mind went towards the never ending power creep of stats with this game, and it’s getting to be too much.

Like u said, grinding out deeds for books through merchant offers drain A TON of time and gems that is unrealistic and unhealthy. I think u are correct that the devs never expect a human person to grind out maxing all kingdoms to level 20. (Kind of like the guild level of 10,000, but guilds have already accomplished this, and they didn’t even get the “reward” for reaching that level on their guild statues)

And because I am curious, I would spend days just spamming explore 1 over and over with dust devil for merchant and angel offers, and it is B-O-R-I-N-G. It’s like watching paint dry…:sleeping:

Theres a thread up where a player documents his deed farming. Check it out

I’ve seen the thread…so he’s doing endless grinding in Explore and spending huge money on gems - just checked - he spends at least 1000 gems per day!..and 37 Kingdoms will still take what…50 years? 30? 10? Or even 5? 5 years of grinding and 1000 gems per day???

I keep saying it, this is a business not a game. Why would they want you to complete it?

I get that - but I think the books are a bit extreme - only affordable to retired millionaires.

I’m a f2p player.

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Okay so how do you get 1000 gems a day as a ftp player? (For all the deed offers from the merchant)

Vault keys and tributes, I don’t buy all the deed offers from merchant, lately only 2 , deeds of magic and another deed, right now I’m thinking in nature for Zaejin but I also buy writs and count every deed or writ I may get from journey, guild tasks, adventure board, underspire, exalted path and sometimes even daily offers, so it’s not all from merchant deed offers.