Bone Dragon + Assassin Class = Total Destruction

Having too much fun :smiley:


Never thought of that combo. Really cool, I like it.

looks fun, im gonna try it after i get assasin traited :grin:

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Thatā€™s me too. No traits on assassino.

Looks fun, I might end up trying that

Assassin is underrated as a class, that third trait can esvicerate an enemy team in no time.

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I traited Archer and love it. Now Iā€™m wishing I had done the same with Assassino.

Iā€™ve tried both; personally I prefer Archer due to Fast. Assassinā€™s other traits are weak. The 10% vs. 15% is reasonably balanced though in my view.


I just donā€™t find myself using Fast. In fact, I donā€™t find myself using the Heroā€™s spell at all. I usually use the Spider Totem just in case I need to mana drain a Death or Bone Dragon but even then, itā€™s pretty much spam skulls. Matches are over without ever really needing Fast.

EDIT: The appeal to me of the Assassino, particularly when paired with Bone Dragon, over Archer is that Archer targets the first target with both skulls and his insta-kill trait. The Assassino can kill the first AND last troop potentially with one BD cast.

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It is helpful with a few teams, but generally yes, both Assassin and Archer are there for the third trait. Fast is pretty much universally better than Venomous, though.

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Yep, I absolutely agree. Emphasis on the word ā€œuniversallyā€.

Thanks for suggesting this team. :smiley_cat: I havenā€™t had such fun with the Assassin class in awhile.

GRR. Still farming trait stones. :sweat:

No problem :smile:

I think itā€™s more that Courage x2 with Bone Dragon, and a choice of lead troop is so OP, why even bother with Assassin.

Once we get the next set of troop balancing, Iā€™m hoping we will see some more variety.


They may seem reasonably balanced but so far Iā€™m thoroughly disappointed. I see Archerā€™s 3rd trait about once a match. So far, Iā€™m seeing Assassinā€™s go off maybe once in every 5 matches. Iā€™ve even deliberately built up skulls using like Sheggra or KoS just to see if I could get it to proc and Iā€™m getting a whole lot of nada.

The Assassin trait has a utility that Archer doesnā€™t - it can specifically neutralize Death or Bone Dragon in that 4th slot, which is where nearly everybody puts them. :thumbsup:

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Also, if Assassin fires and kills Bone Dragon, you also donā€™t have to worry about the eventuality of Frozen on hit. That being said, I see Bone Dragon in all 4 slots these days. Basically, most of the variety involves the order of the 4 troops and not their identities. :slight_smile:

Yeah, itā€™s 2 x Courage, Bone Dragon, and Famine pretty much all the time. Occasionally I will see Wraith instead of one Courage and in those instances, Wraith is always in slot #1 for obvious reasons.

I almost always see Bone Dragon in slot #1 or #4 for some reason. Slot 1 is too easy. Slot 4 just got a lot easier for me. :wink:

By the way, I also have noticed that people almost always put Kerberos and Kraken in the 4th slot as well, if theyā€™re using them. The more I use this lineup, the more effective it seems.

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