Blockbusters Recruitment (Shutting Down in One Week)

The 2 of you have been invited! Welcome to the guild. :slightly_smiling:


I would like to join if it is still posible. My code is FERNANDO 16


An invite has been sent to FERNANDO_16. Welcome to the guild.

Welcome Fernando. FYI, I will be back around 6:30 PM EST.

New player level 62 and would like to join the guild. I can meet the 5k requirement no problem. Please let me know if there is room so I can leave my current guild. Invite code is IDIDOTH. Thanks.

We have room, leave and I’ll invite you.

Ok, ready for invite.


Invite sent, welcome to the guild.

I am a level 21 right now just started on mobile. I will exceed the 5000 a week gold requirement.


An invite has been sent

Hopefully you didn’t kick me hehe. Truthalexis and I have both been on vacation sans wifi :stuck_out_tongue:

No kicks so far, you donated for the week already lady.

New player here, level 57. Play pretty much every day.
Would love to join if you guys have space, invite code is: BEN DOVER_1
Should have no problems meeting contribution reqs

Invite sent Ben

Sorry, but could you tell me about requirement for 5000 gold.
How to get 5000 gold per week in this game , without buying it?

  1. Press the PvP button and then press invade. If you win invades, you will get a larger return than the amount of gold you spent to invade someone. In order to win make sure your team has varying mana colors (ex: Don’t use units with the same mana colors especially when you are just starting out the game) so that no gem matches go to waste.

  2. Press the Broken Spire Kingdom icon, and choose Arena, For 1,000 Gold you make up the difference after at least 2 wins. Plus in Arena, you do not need to own any troops, it randomly generates 3 troops for each rarity for you to choose from. Using the same strategy as in Step 1, you can make some extra gold, trophies and souls (useful for leveling up your troops.)

I started about a week ago, to get 5K gold you need to to pvp/arena. If you get to rank 1 each Monday and then play for a little each day it will not be a problem. I current donate about 20K plus l’ve gotten all my kingdoms to 5, and working on my first 10 kingdom. I play daily for an hour on my phone at least.

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I’d like to join.

I’m lower level but I can easily do the 5000 gold a week (probably more), and be active daily. Also Rank 1.
I’d be more than happy to contribute, just trying to find a proper community to enjoy the game together and finish the tasks :slightly_smiling:

If you still have a spot, id is “NORINTH 2”

I’ve invited NORINTH_2. Welcome to the guild.

Thank you Blazer for inviting Norinth. Welcome to the guild Norinth.